스케치업 profile - seukechieob profile

Profiles은 아래 이미지처럼 프로필 옆에 숫자 칸이 나와야 정상적입니다.

입력하는대로 선 굵기가 조정이 되지요.

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하지만, 스케치업에서 가끔 아래 이미지처럼 프로필 옆에 숫자칸이 없는 경우가 있습니다.


스케치업 profile - seukechieob profile

이것이 수작업선이기 때문입니다.

자세한 이유를 설명 드리자면, 선을 만들 때의 방식 차이 때문입니다.

보통 선 굵기가 조정이 되는 스타일은 로직을 짜서 만들어서 굵기 조정을 자유롭게 만들지만, 

수작업선 같은 경우는 선을 그어 스캔 하는 등의 다양한 방법으로 수작업을 하여 만듭니다.

그래서 굵기 조정이 되지 않는 경우가 많아요. 

이 차이를 잘 이해하시고, 스케치업 작업을 하시면 덜 답답하실 것이랍니다.

After you create a user account and sign in to 3D Warehouse, your profile is mostly blank. If you want to share your work and models in the 3D Warehouse community, a complete profile is a great way to introduce yourself and enable anyone interested in your models to contact you.

To edit your 3D Warehouse profile, sign in to 3D Warehouse and select Settings from the user menu. You see the Settings page shown in the following figure.

스케치업 profile - seukechieob profile

Tip: When you make changes to your 3D Warehouse profile, be sure to click the Save button at the bottom of the Settings page. If you don’t save your changes, you lose any new information you entered.

The Settings include the following:

  • Profile Photo: Your profile photo appears on your public 3D Warehouse profile page, the model details page of any model you upload, your collections, and your comments. To change your profile photo, click the image. In the Edit Thumbnail box that appears, you can drag and drop an image into the designated area or click Browse to navigate to an image saved on your hard drive. When you’re finished, click Save Changes.
  • Custom URL: This field enables you to set up a custom URL, which you can use to promote your uploaded 3D Warehouse models on your website, social media, and elsewhere. All URLs begin with https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/by/. You make the URL your own by typing unique text in the Custom URL field. After you click outside the Your URL field, a green checkmark appears to confirm that the text you typed is available.

    Note: The unique text you add for your URL is subject to the 3D Warehouse Terms of Use. Text or language that violates the Terms of Use is subject to removal.

  • Display Name: This is your public user name on 3D Warehouse. To change your display name, click in the field and type a new name.
  • About Me: Type whatever you’d like other 3D Warehouse users to know about you and your work. Your bio is limited to 500 characters.
  • Website & Social: Enter the URL for your website and for any social media account that’s relevant to your 3D Warehouse profile.
  • Email notifications: By default, all the email notification options in your user profile are turned on. If you don’t want to receive an email for any of these options, toggle the option to the off position. To turn off all notifications, click Unsubscribe From All.
  • Allow 3D Warehouse Users to Contact Me by Email: Select this checkbox, and a Contact button appears on your profile page. If you share models or use 3D Warehouse for professional networking, other users may want to contact you about how you created a model, whether you’ll provide permission to use your model in a presentation or game, and so on.

    Tip: When you enable the Allow Other Users to Contact Me option, your email doesn’t instantly become public to everyone in 3D Warehouse. Users see a Contact button and can email you via a form. After you receive an email via 3D Warehouse, the person who contacts you sees your email address only if you reply to their message.

  • Category: If you upload models specific to one of the listed categories, select the relevant category from the drop-down list. Doing so will make your models easier to find by category.

Tip: To avoid losing your changes, remember to click the Save button after you update your profile details.

스케치업 profile - seukechieob profile
스케치업 스타일빌더

선두께 수정하기

1. 기본 선두께입니다.

스케치업 profile - seukechieob profile

2. STYLE 탭을 불러오기 위해서, Window -> Default -> Show Tray 를 클릭하면 해당 메뉴가 체크된 탭이 됩니다. (해당 메뉴가 없다면 해당 항목을 체크하면 추가됩니다)

스케치업 profile - seukechieob profile

3. Style 탭에서 Edit 메뉴를 선택합니다. Edges 값과 Profiles 값을 수정하면 됩니다. 

Edges 값은 모든 테두리 값이고, Profiles 값은 객체의 테두리만 나타냅니다.

스케치업 profile - seukechieob profile

4. Profiles 값을 없애고, Edges 값만 준 씬입니다. 선이 얇게 보입니다.

스케치업 profile - seukechieob profile

5. Profiles 값과 Edges 값을 모두 없앤 씬입니다.

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STYLE 수정하기

1. 스케치업 상에서 손 그림의 느낌 등 다양한 스타일을 선택해서 표현할 수 있습니다.

 Style 탭에서 Select 메뉴를 선택합니다. Select 메뉴에서 다양한 스타일을 보면서 적용하면 됩니다.

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스케치업 profile - seukechieob profile

스케치업 스타일 빌더

2. 아래는 다양한 스타일을 적용한 씬입니다.

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스케치업 스타일1
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스케치업 스타일3
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스케치업 스타일4