디스코드 도라에몽 봇 사용법 - diseukodeu dola-emong bos sayongbeob

디스코드 도라에몽 봇 사용법 - diseukodeu dola-emong bos sayongbeob

안녕하세요 서하입니다 :D 오늘은 Doraemon 봇에 대해서 설명을 할 건데요!

이 봇은 트위치 등 흔히 말하는 도네를 사용할 시 도네 채팅을 읽어주는 기능인 TTS 기능을 가지고 있는데요

마이크가 안되는 상황일 때, 친구와 놀 때 등등 사용하면 좋은 아이입니다.

도라에몽 봇에 관련해서는 첫 포스팅일 줄 알았는데 하하 아니네요 머쓱

바로 시작하겠습니다!

먼저 위 링크를 클릭해 줍니다.

(크롬만 가능, 초대하고 싶은 채널에 관리자 이상의 권한이 필요함)

본인의 디스코드 아이디로 로그인한 후 - 추가하고 싶은 서버를 클릭합니다.

디스코드 도라에몽 봇 사용법 - diseukodeu dola-emong bos sayongbeob

도라에몽 봇의 명령어

도라에몽 봇에는 아주 많은 명령어가 있는데요

아쉽게도 한국어 번역 및 설명이 너무 부족하기에 가장 주력으로 사용할 명령어 몇 가지만 설명해드리겠습니다.

디스코드 도라에몽 봇 사용법 - diseukodeu dola-emong bos sayongbeob

도라에몽 봇의 기본 접두사는 cat입니다.

디스코드 도라에몽 봇 사용법 - diseukodeu dola-emong bos sayongbeob

일단 가장 먼저 봇의 언어를 변경해봅시다.

cat language korea

명령어를 입력하면 봇은 자동으로 한국어를 지원하게 됩니다.

디스코드 도라에몽 봇 사용법 - diseukodeu dola-emong bos sayongbeob


TTS를 사용하기 위해서는 한국어로 변환하는 게 나은데, 만약 서버가 영어를 사용하는 서버다, 프랑스어를 사용하는 서버다 등이면 다른 언어들로 설정하셔도 됩니다.

디스코드 도라에몽 봇 사용법 - diseukodeu dola-emong bos sayongbeob

이후 cats [할 말] 을 입력하게 되면

도라에몽 봇이 자신이 입장해있는 채널에 들어와 [할 말]을 말하게 됩니다.

이는 숫자 및 알파벳 등도 읽어줍니다.

디스코드 도라에몽 봇 사용법 - diseukodeu dola-emong bos sayongbeob

들어온 도라에몽을 추방시키는 방법은, 관리자(혹은 역할에서 추방 권한을 가진 사람)만 가능하며

도라에몽을 우 클릭한 후 연결 끊기를 눌러주면 도라에몽은 자동으로 나가집니다.

궁금한 점은 댓글 주세요

디스코드 도라에몽 봇 사용법 - diseukodeu dola-emong bos sayongbeob


#도라에몽봇 #도라에몽봇명령어 #도라에몽봇한국어 #한국어 #디스코드도라에몽봇 #디스코드doraemon봇 #디스코드TTS #디스코드TTS사용법 #전자녀 #전자녀목소리 #디스코드전자녀 #디스코드봇추천 #디스코드 #디스코드봇 #디코도라에몽봇 #디코봇 #doraemon #discord봇 #discord #디코봇추천 #도라에몽봇사용하는방법 #도라에몽명령어 #doraemon명령어 #도라에몽접두사 #도라에몽말안함 #디스코드 #전자녀사용하는방법디코 #도라에몽봇디스코드

A cute bot with battle RPG, PvP gambles, text to speech, anonymous confession, temp voice channel, conditional giveaway, Among us, etc

Doraemon | Battle game & Fun stuff bot


Some commands have its subcommands, if so the syntax will be: cat [command] [subcommand] [arguments]

Battle game

Claim characters, find weapons, collect gadgets, buy gems, upgrade your equipments and fight with bosses and other users

tutorial Learn how to Battle

me Check your equipments. You can equip 1 character, 1 weapon and up to 3 gadgets

character Claim, search, equip, rename, reroll and check your characters

weapon Claim, search, equip and check your weapons

gadget Search, combine, equip and check your gadgets

gem Search, combine and check your gems

team Lead your team and go team fight together

fight Fight, fight solo rank, fight duo rank, fight with bosses and get rewards

adventure, worldboss Big journey to gain more rewards, better with team

dorayaki Battle currency. Earned by command work and selling things in Battle. Can be transfered to catnip for gambling

shop Battle shop

buy Buy items in shop by dorayaki

item Check your items

sell Sell character, weapon, gadget, gem and get dorayaki

market Global user-to-user market

trade Trade with other users

up Upgrade character, weapon, gadget by gem. Especially, you can upgrade weapon strength level by gem houtu and .. your luck

use Use items in inventory

work Farm dorayaki, gadget, gem

marry Marry and fight together, collect love point and earn bonus rewards

divorce Divorce


Play gamble games with bot and other users (PvP) using catnip

slot Slot machine

baucua A traditional gamble: Baucua

blackjack Play blackjack with your friends

coinflip Classic and Extended coinflip

gtn Guess the number with random hints spawned randomly

threecard Play threecard with your friends

lotto Buy tickets and win jackpot

Custom games

ludo Play ludo with your friends

amongwumpii Discord version of Among us game


Doreamon's catnip currency system used for gamble games.

give Give catnip to other user

daily Get daily reward every 12 hours

lixi Give and take catnip randomly

nip Check your balance

task Finish assigned tasks and get rewards or custom your task to setup Conditional Giveaways

transfer Exchange catnip and dorayaki


Language & Prefix

language Setup bot language for text-to-speech command (speak) and bot response (if language supported)

prefix Custom bot prefix

Feature Channels

Make your channels become more powerful and interesting

Command channel with subcommands:

  • counting - setup counting channel
  • onewordstory - setup one-word channel
  • twowordstory - setup two-word channel
  • wordwordchain - setup word-wordchain channel. eg: loi chao - chao hoi - hoi han...
  • charwordchain - setup character-wordchain channel. eg: hello - object - tea...
  • info - check channel info
  • reset - reset channel to default


Send, Reply message (content, images, attachments) to a channel. Everything is anonymous.

Setup cfs channel: catchannel cfs (key)

Setup cfs pending channel: catchannel cfsp

Command confession with subcommands:

  • ban Ban a user or anonymous user through confession message link or reacting in pending channel
  • bans List banned
  • unban Unban a case

Temp Voice Channels

Let members customize their voice "room".

Command voice with subcommands:

  • setup Set the current voice as Voice Channel Creator
  • unset Unset a Creator
  • setname Set the name pattern
  • name Rename voice room
  • lock Lock room and allow all members in room
  • unlock Unlock room
  • limit Limit users in room
  • deny Deny user to connect
  • allow Allow user to see and join your room
  • transfer Transfer host
  • claim Claim non-host room
  • info Check room setting
  • reset Reset room setting
  • hide Hide your room from everyone
  • show Show room to everyone
  • softhide Hide room from blocked users
  • softshow Show room
  • block Block user and stop seeing his room, if you softhide your room then it hiden from him
  • unblock Unlock someone
  • join Join with other user voice chat no matter where they are


Create, add requirements, end, reroll, show list giveaways. With task types:

  • send messages | has role | join server (time) | stay in voice channels | mention users | be mentioned

Command giveaway with subcommands:

start Create a giveaway. Tasks (requirement) can be attached

end End giveaway before times up

cancel Cancel a GA without finding the winner

reroll Reroll a giveaway to find new winner

list See list ongoing GAs in server


Chat xp, leveling, rank, role rewards custom for your server

Command level


Cute emote actions

awoo | bang | blush | clagwimoth | cry | cuddle | dance | hug | kiss | lick | nom | pat | pout | punch | slap | smile | smug | stare


Random image with keyword. All shared by our members

meo | xinh | zai | meme | food | sexy

Fun & Others

Fun things

speak - text to speech

voicecode - custom voice name for command speak

say - send messages to any channel

feedback | info | link | ping | premium | stat

help - list of commands

help <command> - detail for command


If you need any supports, join Cat Server

Top Discord Servers Using This Bot

Ratings & Reviews

Reviews can be left only by registered users. All reviews are moderated by Top.gg moderators. Please make sure to check our guidelines before posting.

5 stars


4 stars


3 stars


2 stars


1 star


best bot ive ever seen <3

What a lovely and useful bot! I can play PvP blackjack with my friends, not just with the bot, lots of fun xD

Many useful commands <3 Not only help me to config my server but also entertains me with lots of games and gambles

setup bầu cua kiểu gì vậy mn

Super fun bot, easy to setup, never had a problem with it. Highly recommended!

For the confessions is there any ways we can mute a specific person from confessing cause I’ve gotten some disturbing confessions and I’d like to mute the person who confesses something like to have their own special id so we can mute them? The bot is great by the way