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전하고 싶어, 나의 마음을. 소중한 동생을 지키는 대가로 요크 가문에 입성한 이자벨라. 더 이상 꿈도 희망도 없는 그녀의 앞에 나타난 자동 수기 인형, 바이올렛 에버가든. “나도… 행복을 전하고 싶어” 언니의 편지를 받고 C.H 우편사를 찾아온 테일러는 사람들에게 행복을 전하는 우편배달 일을 시작하고, 이자벨라에게도 자신의 마음을 전하기 위해 바이올렛에게 대필을 부탁하는데…
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바이올렛 에버가든 더빙 1화 - baiolles ebeogadeun deobing 1hwa

The war is over, and Violet Evergarden needs a job. Scarred and emotionless, she takes a job as a letter writer to understand herself and her past.

Starring:Yui Ishikawa,Takehito Koyasu,Daisuke Namikawa

This tale of loss, grief and personal growth won Best Animation at the Crunchyroll Anime Awards.


Violet Evergarden


Violet Evergarden

  1. 바이올렛 에버가든 더빙 1화 - baiolles ebeogadeun deobing 1hwa

    Hodgins retrieves Violet from the hospital, as Major Gilbert asked him to look out for her. After they meet Gilbert's relatives, he offers her a job.

  2. 바이올렛 에버가든 더빙 1화 - baiolles ebeogadeun deobing 1hwa

    Violet tries to adjust to her new job: she needs to learn typing, and her coworkers question whether she has the right demeanor for letter writing.

  3. 바이올렛 에버가든 더빙 1화 - baiolles ebeogadeun deobing 1hwa

    Violet enrolls in a Doll training course. Her classmate Luculia befriends her, though she has her own problems with her war veteran brother.

  4. 바이올렛 에버가든 더빙 1화 - baiolles ebeogadeun deobing 1hwa

    When Iris goes to her home village on an assignment, Violet accompanies her. Iris's birthday party sparks a disagreement with her family.

  5. 바이올렛 에버가든 더빙 1화 - baiolles ebeogadeun deobing 1hwa

    Princess Charlotte is to have a public correspondence with her betrothed, and Violet is entrusted with writing the letters on her highness’s behalf.

  6. 바이올렛 에버가든 더빙 1화 - baiolles ebeogadeun deobing 1hwa

    Violet travels to the country of Astrea to work with transcribers copying damaged manuscripts. Her partner Leon has a past not unlike hers.

  7. 바이올렛 에버가든 더빙 1화 - baiolles ebeogadeun deobing 1hwa

    A playwright with writer's block and a tragic past summons Violet to the country of Genetrix to help him finish a script. They both learn about grief.

  8. 바이올렛 에버가든 더빙 1화 - baiolles ebeogadeun deobing 1hwa

    Violet learns that Major Gilbert is listed as missing in action, but his family members think he is dead. Unable to cope, she remembers the war.

  9. 바이올렛 에버가든 더빙 1화 - baiolles ebeogadeun deobing 1hwa

    Heartbroken, Violet withdraws from her job and questions whether she even has the right to be an Auto Memory Doll. Then, she receives a letter.

  10. 바이올렛 에버가든 더빙 1화 - baiolles ebeogadeun deobing 1hwa

    Violet travels to a countryside mansion to write a letter for a gravely ill war widow, but her young daughter Ann resents Violet's presence.

  11. 바이올렛 에버가든 더빙 1화 - baiolles ebeogadeun deobing 1hwa

    Against Hodgins' wishes, Violet takes a job from a soldier at a military base in Ctrigall, a former enemy nation now engulfed in civil war.

  12. 바이올렛 에버가든 더빙 1화 - baiolles ebeogadeun deobing 1hwa

    The Major's older brother is ordered to defend the signing ceremony from former Gardarik forces opposed to peace. Violet intercepts his train.

  13. 바이올렛 에버가든 더빙 1화 - baiolles ebeogadeun deobing 1hwa

    The signing ceremony concludes, officially bringing an end to the war. While writing letters for an air show, Violet composes a letter to the Major.

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Yui IshikawaTakehito KoyasuDaisuke NamikawaAya EndoKoki UchiyamaMinori ChiharaHaruka Tomatsu

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