글루타치온 냉장 보관 - geullutachion naengjang bogwan



Liposomal Encapsulation Technology

• Maximized Absorption Delivered via "Smart" Lyposomal Nano-Spheres®
• 450 mg Setria® Glutathione / 1,000 mg Essential Phospholipids
• Good Source of Choline

- Non-GMO
- Sugar Free
- Gluten Free
- Vegan

Net Contents 6 fl. oz. (162 mL)
30 Packets • 0.2 fl. oz. (5.4 mL) Each

Lypo-Spheric® Glutathione "Lypo GSH"
Every cell in the body needs Glutathione and most cells actually produce it; but internal and external factors adversely affect the amount of Glutathione your body produces. Pathogens, stress, free radicals and the aging process can load to Glutathione deficiencies.*

Why You Need It:

• Helps protect cells from the damage caused by harmful free radicals*
• Supports a healthy liver*
• Promotes optimal cellular health*
• Supports a healthy immune system*

Lypo-Spheric® Delivery
Lypo-Spheric® products use liposomal made from Phospholipids - the same material that makes up your cells - to encapsulate nutrients and maximize absorption. With the Lypo-Spheric® delivery system, you get the benefit of the nutrients and satisfy the body's ever-growing need for Phospholipids, including Phosphatidylcholine (PC).

Liposome diagram shows how the tails of phospholipids turn inward to form a bilayer membrane and encapsulate the nutrient.

 Setria® is a registered trademark of Kyowa Hakko Bio Co., Ltd.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


• Keep out of Reach of Children.
• Consult a healthcare practitioner before using this product if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have a medical condition, or are taking any medication.
• Store in a cool, dry place.
• Refrigeration is recommended to improve taste.
• Do not freeze or place the product in direct sunlight for extended periods of time.
• Color of contents may vary.
• Not a low calorie supplement.

Directions for Use:

• As a dietary supplement, take one packet 1 to 2 times per day with or without a meal, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.
• For best results, snip or tear the notched end off the packet, squeeze into one to three ounces of your favorite cool beverage, and consume in one swallow.
• Contents of packet will not dissolve.

Other Ingredients:

• Deionized Water, Alcohol (preservative), Potassium Hydroxide.
• Product formulation contains no starch, no yeast, no hexane, no artificial colors of flavors.

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