테라리아 부서진 영웅의 검 - telalia buseojin yeong-ung-ui geom


Vexikuri의 댓글

This item has the chance to drop off any mobs in the world also come up in any chest or locked box.

Best bet would be to keep an eye on the AH for this one...

Thottbot의 댓글

once you reforge this, what does it turn into?

Thottbot의 댓글

I obtained mine for 4g at the Auction House where the broken version is considered trade goods and the min bid was set to 50 silver. I have included screenshots of broken and reforged.



Compliments: Panis
Server: Elune
Faction: Horde

Thottbot의 댓글

I got this from a strong Iron Lockbox, wich i looted in Badlands from a Buzzard. I got it sold for 45g on Sunstrider server. What a scoop! :P the vendor price for it is 62,5s..

and BTW have you seen the droprate on that thing! :O

Thottbot의 댓글

Got one off a Troll by Grom gol in STV

Thottbot의 댓글

wanna see a pic of this broken... the above pic does not work

Thottbot의 댓글

got the broken from a guildie, just reforged it and made a fiery enchant on it also.. damn it owns now...

gotta love to �ber equip your alts :p

Thottbot의 댓글

Bought the broken piece on Eitrigg for 30g, reforged it, and put it back on the AH with a low bid, sold the next day for 90g. :)

Thottbot의 댓글

These Own for a Fury Warrior or a rogue ... My warrior twink has 2 and have Crusader on MH and Firey on OH B4 i got Crusader i had 2 firey enchants

Thottbot의 댓글

Is it actually usable as a weapon before you fix it?  I noticed it has a damage range, but perhaps that is just to entice one to fix it.

Also, have you all noticed the wild damage range once it is fixed?

Might be fun to give to my warrior toon.  (FYI, the Fire Damage is factored into the DPS)

Thottbot의 댓글

just got it out of a chest in scarlet monastery.

And at least if you're not a blacksmith, the broken thing is NOT usable in any slot. It's strange that there's damage marked, but no slot.

Hope I can sell it in the ah, we'll see, anyways, seems to be pretty rare.

Thottbot의 댓글

it says lvl 33...

Thottbot의 댓글

I have never seen this blade ever before and I've been playing a loooong time. When you factor in the DPS +Speed +Bonus +attribute points and (Must have) Firey Enchantment; you pretty much traded your TWINKS soul just to use it in Battle (Warriors & Rouges). Nice added bonus, you won't need to upgrade for a long while.

(How to fix it)
-You MUST be or have a FRIEND be a 190+ black smith.
-Items needed are 4-steel bars, 4-strong flux, 2-elemental fire and 2-heavy grinding stones.
-IF YOU HAVE TO HAVE A FRIEND REFORGE, YOU HAVE TO COMPLETELY HAND HIM THE ITEM SO HE CAN FIX IT. this take's alot of trust if you hire someone to do it.

Thottbot의 댓글

screenshot please

Thottbot의 댓글

looted from a chest in sm arm

venomlet @ outland eu

Thottbot의 댓글

Have enny one EVER got this weapon by fishing?
and if so WHERE did u fish?

Thottbot의 댓글

can you use this weapon while its broken? cuz this would be a cool 19 twink wep

Plz tell me if you know or pst snorfin on staghelm alliance

Thottbot의 댓글

u cant use the Broken Blade of Heroes since its broken.....but if anyone has it pst me (whisper me)

Server: Dalvangyr
Faction: Alliance
Name: Medeviah (if u cant contact him try Alentonos)

Thottbot의 댓글

I got one from a chest in Sm Arm once you get in the lower part. i am not a blacksmith but this looks like it could sell pretty good in AH.

Allakhazam의 댓글

does anyone know what drops this? or where to get it?

Allakhazam의 댓글

I just bought this off the AH, 9g bid (had to keep a keen eye on it)... I could've gotten for about 5g if I didn't push that guy that kept rebidding right after me lol... Anyway, an extra 3g for mats, and viola, a 12g reforged blade... I'm going to try to sell it for 100g :) But I'll actually try to get 50g for it by the time I'm done showing it to everyone on my server! Keep an eye out for it on your local AH, and it should pop up occasionally for a decent price. Good luck!

Allakhazam의 댓글

I should get this on my war to use on my rogue, it's pretty good (once reforged, that is).

Allakhazam의 댓글

Looking for this on Medivh server, whisper or send mail to Kathelia, paying well.

Allakhazam의 댓글

WTB this on server: AQ
name: zynx

Allakhazam의 댓글

found it in a chest in SM arms...always seem to have a feeling when a blue is in a chest O_O

Edited, Mar 31st 2007 10:42pm by wheetcracker

Edited, Mar 31st 2007 10:52pm by wheetcracker

Allakhazam의 댓글

Had one drop last night on Gurubashi, pst me if you want to buy. -Repaso

Allakhazam의 댓글

Got it today out of an iron lockbox that dropped off a panther in STV.

Allakhazam의 댓글

This item is a random drop. I got it from a lockbox. If you're looking for a way to get it fast, search the AH.

Allakhazam의 댓글

wow i got this from a chest in SM... i was like "WTF?"

Allakhazam의 댓글

Im a person that collects weird and just cool looking weapons.. managed to get this blade on my warlock from a stormgarde chest (ogre ditrict) and picked another one of AH for 10g.. so thats 1 to go till i can get my hunter to dual wield em ^^

Allakhazam의 댓글

Willing to pay tons of GOLD for this thing...about 40-60g

Server: Burning Blade

Email me at peteraschuk@yahoo.com

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 9:54am by poopster

Allakhazam의 댓글

bah i sold this thing too cheap xD i checked the price here and i sold it for 25g.. after that the dude whispered me a friend bought it for 65g. bah. xD

Allakhazam의 댓글

bought this for 5g and a tuxedo^^

Allakhazam의 댓글

goto scarlet monastery, after killing the boss its in the room behind it in a large box or soming like that(where the healer/reserectur comes from)

3D 보기강화 찾기...링크

간단 정보스크린샷동영상

부러진 영웅의 검
아이템 레벨 38
공격력 37 - 50속도 2.20(초당 공격력 19.77)대장기술 (190) 필요
사용 효과: 사용하려면 다시 벼려내야 합니다. 이 작업에는 강철 주괴 4개와, 강한 융해촉진제 4개, 불의 원소 2개, 단단한 연마석 2개가 필요합니다.

판매 가격: 62 50

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