파워포인트 shift tab - pawopointeu shift tab

Q & A

PPT 작성시 단락(문단)맞추기 기능은 어떻게 하지요?

2009. 11. 15. 20:46

한글에서는 줄이 바뀌면 Shift + Tab으로 간단히 해결되잖아요. 아래와 같이....



Shift + Tab 사용 시



근데 파워포인트 작성시에도 이런 기능을 사용할 방법이 없을까요???


안녕하세요. 파워포인트 트릭스의 천우신조입니다.

파워포인트에서 머리글 혹은 들여쓰기 내여쓰기 설정이 되어 있는 상태라면

Shift + Enter를 누르시면 한글과 동일한 효과를 얻을 수 있습니다.

도움이 되시길 기원합니다.

ppt에서 한글처럼 내여쓰기 하는 방법 2

2012-06-18 16:45:09 211.♡.14.79

안녕하세요. ppt 초보인데 자료 만들다가 의문이 있어 글을 남깁니다.

한글 프로그램에서는 내여쓰기가 가능한데, ppt에서 내여쓰기 하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?

쉽게 설명드리면 한글에서 shift + tab 단축키와 동일한 효과를 ppt에서 내려면 어떻게 해야 하는지 잘 몰라서 질문드립니다.


아질게 : 아질게는 아무거나 질문하면 되는 게시판으


위와 같이 두줄 이상 끝나는 문장에서 내어쓰기를 하려고 하는데 ppt에서는 어떻게 할 지 잘 모르겠네요(아래아 한글에서는 커서 두고 shift + tab하면 바로 되는데...)

방법 아시는 분들 계시면 답변 부탁드립니다. (__)

** 이 게시판은 댓글이 달리면 게시물을 삭제할 수 없습니다. **
** 내용의 장기노출이 곤란한 경우 [수정]을 통해 내용을 변경하시기 바랍니다. **

This article describes the keyboard shortcuts, function keys, and some other common shortcut keys in the creation mode in PowerPoint for Windows.


  • To quickly find a shortcut in this article, you can use the Search. Press Ctrl+F and then type your search words.

  • If an action that you use often does not have a shortcut key, you can add it to the Quick Access Toolbar to create one. For instructions, refer to Use a keyboard to customize the Quick Access Toolbar.

  • Get the PowerPoint 2016 keyboard shortcuts in a Word document at this link: PowerPoint 2016 for Windows keyboard shortcuts.

In this topic

  • Frequently used shortcuts

  • Ribbon keyboard shortcuts

    • Use the Access keys for ribbon tabs

    • Work in the ribbon with the keyboard

  • Move between panes

  • Work in the Outline view

  • Select and edit text and objects

    • Select text and objects

    • Delete and copy text and objects

    • Move around in text

    • Find and replace text

    • Move around and work in tables

  • Format text

    • Change or resize a font

    • Apply character formatting

    • Copy text formatting

    • Align paragraphs

  • Work with shapes, pictures, boxes, objects, and WordArt

  • Insert comments

  • Change order of slides or sections in a slide deck

  • Use the Selection pane

  • Access and use task panes

  • Other useful shortcut keys

  • Custom keyboard shortcuts

Frequently used shortcuts

The following table itemizes the most frequently used shortcuts in PowerPoint.

To do this


Create new presentation.


Add a new slide.


Make selected text bold.


Change the font size for selected text.

Alt+H, F, S

Open the Zoom dialog box.

Alt+W, Q

Cut selected text, object, or slide.


Copy selected text, object, or slide.


Paste cut or copied text, object, or slide.


Undo the last action.


Save the presentation.


Insert a picture from your device.

Alt+N, P, D

Insert a shape.

Alt+N, S, H

Select a theme.

Alt+G, H

Select a slide layout.

Alt+H, L

Go to the next slide.

Page down

Go to the previous slide.

Page up

Go to the Home tab.


Go to the Insert tab.


Start the slide show.


End the slide show.


Close PowerPoint.


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Ribbon keyboard shortcuts

The ribbon groups related options on tabs. For example, on the Home tab, the Paragraph group includes the Bullets option. Press the Alt key to display the ribbon shortcuts, called Key Tips, as letters in small images next to the tabs and options.

You can combine the Key Tips letters with the Alt key to make shortcuts called Access Keys for the ribbon options. For example, press Alt+H to open the Home tab, and Alt+Q to move to the Tell me or Search field. Press Alt again to see KeyTips for the options on the selected tab.

In Office 2010, most of the old Alt key menu shortcuts still work, too. However, you need to know the full shortcut. For example, press Alt, and then press one of the old menu keys E (Edit), V (View), I (Insert), and so on. A notification pops up saying you're using an access key from an earlier version of Microsoft 365. If you know the entire key sequence, go ahead and use it. If you don't know the sequence, press Esc and use Key Tips instead.

Use the access keys for ribbon tabs

To go directly to a tab on the ribbon, press one of the following access keys. Additional tabs might appear depending on your selection in the presentation.

To do this


Move to the Tell me or Search field on the ribbon and type a search term for assistance or Help content.

Alt+Q, then type the search term.

Open the File menu.


Open the Home tab and format slides, fonts, paragraphs, or drawings.


Open the Insert tab and insert slides, tables, images, illustrations, forms, links, text, symbols, or media.


Open the Draw tab and access the drawing tools.

Alt+J, I

Open the Design tab and apply themes and customize slides.


Open the Transitions tab and add transitions between slides.


Open the Animations tab and add animations to slides.


Open the Slide Show tab and set up and play the slide show.


Open the Review tab and check spelling and accessibility and add comments.


Open the View tab and preview presentation layouts, show and hide gridlines and guides, set zoom magnification, manage windows, and view macros.


Open the Recording tab and manage screen recordings, audio, and video in your presentation.


Open the Help tab and browse the PowerPoint, contact support, and leave feedback.

Alt+Y, 2

Note: Add-ins and other programs might add new tabs to the ribbon and might provide access keys for those tabs.

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Work in the ribbon with the keyboard

To do this


Select the active tab on the ribbon, and activate the access keys.

Alt or F10. To move to a different tab, use access keys or the arrow keys.

Move the focus to commands on the ribbon.

Tab key or Shift+Tab

Move down, up, left, or right, respectively, among the items on the ribbon.

Arrow keys

Show the tooltip for the ribbon element currently in focus.


Activate a selected button or control.

Spacebar or Enter

Open the list for a selected command.

Down arrow key

Open the menu for a selected button.

Alt+Down arrow key

When a menu or submenu is open, move to the next command.

Down arrow key

Expand or collapse the ribbon.


Open a context menu.


Or, on a Windows keyboard, the Context key (between the right Alt and right Ctrl keys)

Move to the submenu when a main menu is open or selected.

Left arrow key

Get help on the currently selected command or control on the ribbon.


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Move between panes

To do this


Cycle clockwise through panes in the Normal view.


Cycle counterclockwise through panes in the Normal view.


Switch between the Thumbnail pane and the Outline View pane.


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Work in the Outline view

To do this


Promote a paragraph.

Alt+Shift+Left arrow key

Demote a paragraph.

Alt+Shift+Right arrow key

Move selected paragraphs up.

Alt+Shift+Up arrow key

Move selected paragraphs down.

Alt+Shift+Down arrow key

Show level 1 headings.


Expand text below a heading.

Alt+Shift+Plus sign (+)

Collapse text below a heading.

Alt+Shift+Minus sign (-)

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Select and edit text and objects

Select text and objects

To do this


Select one character to the right.

Shift+Right arrow key

Select one character to the left.

Shift+Left arrow key

Select to the end of a word.

Ctrl+Shift+Right arrow key

Select to the beginning of a word.

Ctrl+Shift+Left arrow key

Select one line up (with the cursor at the beginning of a line).

Shift+Up arrow key

Select one line down (with the cursor at the beginning of a line).

Shift+Down arrow key

Select an object when the text inside the object is selected.


Select another object when one object is selected.

Tab key or Shift+Tab until the object you want is selected

Send object back one position.

Ctrl+Left bracket ([)

Office 2010 and Office 2007: Not available

Send object forward one position.

Ctrl+Right bracket (])

Office 2010 and Office 2007: Not available

Send object to back.

Ctrl+Shift+Left bracket ([)

Office 2010 and Office 2007: Not available

Send object to front.

Ctrl+Shift+Right bracket (])

Office 2010 and Office 2007: Not available

Select text within an object (with an object selected).


Select all objects on a slide.


Play or pause media.


Select all slides in the Slide Sorter view or the thumbnail pane.


Select all text in the Outline View.


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Delete and copy text and objects

To do this


Delete one character to the left.


Delete one word to the left.


Delete one character to the right.


Delete one word to the right (with the cursor between the words).


Cut selected object or text.


Copy selected object or text.


Paste cut or copied object or text.


Duplicate an object.


Ctrl+Drag the mouse

Office 2010 and Office 2007: Not available

Undo the last action.


Redo the last action.


Copy formatting only.


Paste formatting only.


Copy animation painter.


Office 2010 and Office 2007: Not available

Paste animation painter.


Office 2010 and Office 2007: Not available

Open the Paste Special dialog box.


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Move around in text

To do this


Move one character to the left.

Left arrow key

Move one character to the right.

Right arrow key

Move one line up.

Up arrow key

Move one line down.

Down arrow key

Move one word to the left.

Ctrl+Left arrow key

Move one word to the right.

Ctrl+Right arrow key

Move to the end of a line.


Move to the beginning of a line.


Move up one paragraph.

Ctrl+Up arrow key

Move down one paragraph.

Ctrl+Down arrow key

Move to the end of a text box.


Move to the beginning of a text box.


Move to the next title or body text placeholder. If it is the last placeholder on a slide, this action inserts a new slide with the same slide layout as the original slide.


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Find and replace text

To do this


Open the Find dialog box.


Open the Replace dialog box.


Repeat the last Find action.


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Move around and work in tables

To do this


Move to the next cell.

Tab key

Move to the preceding cell.


Move to the next row.

Down arrow key

Move to the preceding row.

Up arrow key

Insert a tab in a cell.


Start a new paragraph.


Add a new row at the bottom of the table with the cursor in the last cell of the last row.

Tab key

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Format text

Before using these keyboard shortcuts, select the text you want to format.

Change or resize a font

To do this


Open the Font dialog box to change the font.

Ctrl+T or Ctrl+Shift+F

Increase the font size.

Ctrl+Shift+Right angle bracket (>)

Decrease the font size.

Ctrl+Shift+Left angle bracket (<)

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Apply character formatting

To do this


Open the Font dialog box to change the character formatting.

Ctrl+T or Ctrl+Shift+F

Switch between sentence case, lowercase, or uppercase.


Apply bold formatting.


Apply underline formatting.


Apply italic formatting.


Apply subscript formatting (automatic spacing).

Ctrl+Equal sign ( = )

Apply superscript formatting (automatic spacing).

Ctrl+Shift+Plus sign (+)

Remove manual character formatting, such as subscript and superscript.


Insert a hyperlink.


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Copy text formatting

To do this


Copy the formatting of selected text.


Paste copied formatting to the selected text.


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Align paragraphs

To do this


Center a paragraph.


Justify a paragraph.


Left align a paragraph.


Right align a paragraph.


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Work with shapes, pictures, boxes, objects, and WordArt

To do this


Insert a text box.

Alt+N, X

Insert an embedded document or spreadsheet as an object.

Alt+N, J

Insert WordArt.

Alt+N, W

Move the focus to the first floating shape, such as an image or a text box.


Group selected shapes, pictures, or WordArt objects.


Ungroup selected group.


Copy the attributes of the selected shape.


Paste the attributes to the selected object.


Edit a linked or embedded object.

Shift+F10 (to open the context menu), then O, Enter, E

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Change order of slides or sections in a slide deck

To do this


Move the selected slide or section up in order.

Ctrl+Up arrow key

Move the selected slide or section down in order.

Ctrl+Down arrow key

Move the selected slide or section to the beginning.

Ctrl+Shift+Up arrow key

Move the selected slide or section to the end.

Ctrl+Shift+Down arrow key

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Use the Selection pane

To do this


Open the Selection pane.

Alt+H, S, L, P

Office 2007: Alt+J, D, A, P

Cycle the focus through the different panes.


Display the context menu.


Move the focus to a single item or group.

Up or Down arrow key

Move the focus from an item in a group to its parent group.

Left arrow key

Move the focus from a group to the first item in that group.

Right arrow key

Expand a focused group and all its child groups.

Asterisk sign (*) (on numeric keypad only)

Expand a focused group.

Plus sign (+) (on numeric keypad only) or Right arrow key

Collapse a focused group.

Minus sign (-) (on numeric keypad only) or Left arrow key

Move the focus to an item and select it.

Shift+Up or Down arrow key

Select a focused item.

Spacebar or Enter

Cancel selection of a focused item.

Shift+Spacebar or Shift+Enter

Move a selected item forward.


Move a selected item backward.


Show or hide a focused item.


Rename a focused item.


Switch the keyboard focus within the Selection pane between tree view and the Show All and Hide All buttons.

Tab key or Shift+Tab

Collapse all groups (with the focus in the tree view of the Selection pane).


Expand all groups.


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Access and use task panes

To do this


Move to a task pane from another pane or area in the program window. (You might need to press F6 more than once.)


When a task pane option has focus, move to the next or previous option in the task pane.

Tab key or Shift+Tab

Display the full set of commands on a task pane menu. You can access, for example, the Close, Move, or Size buttons of a task pane.


Office 2010: Ctrl+Down arrow key

Move to the next command on the task pane menu.

Up and Down arrow keys

Select the highlighted option on the task pane menu.


Move or resize the task pane after the corresponding command has been selected.

Arrow keys

Open the Clipboard.

Alt+H, F, O

Close a task pane.

Ctrl+Spacebar, C

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Other useful shortcut keys

To do this


Open the Print dialog box.


Print all slides in your presentation as full page slides using your default printer settings (when the Print dialog box is open).

Alt+P, P

Show or hide the Notes pane in the Normal view.

Alt+W, P, N

Show or hide the grid.


Show or hide guides.


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Custom keyboard shortcuts

To assign custom keyboard shortcuts to menu items, recorded macros, and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code in PowerPoint, you must use a third-party add-in, such as Shortcut Manager for PowerPoint, which is available from OfficeOne.

See also

PowerPoint help & learning

Screen reader support for PowerPoint

Basic tasks to create a presentation in PowerPoint with a screen reader

Use a screen reader to explore and navigate PowerPoint

This article describes the keyboard shortcuts in PowerPoint for MacOS when creating or editing presentations.


  • The settings in some versions of the Mac operating system (OS) and some utility applications can conflict with keyboard shortcuts and function key operations in Microsoft 365 for Mac. For information about changing the key assignment of a keyboard shortcut, refer to the Mac Help for your version of the MacOS, your utility application, or refer to Change a conflicting keyboard shortcut on Mac.

  • If you don't find a keyboard shortcut here that meets your needs, you can create a custom keyboard shortcut. For instructions, go to Create a custom keyboard shortcut for Office for Mac.

  • Many of the shortcuts that use the Ctrl key on a Windows keyboard also work with the Control key in PowerPoint on Mac. However, not all do.

  • To quickly find a shortcut in this article, you can use the Search. Press Command+F, and then type your search words.

In this topic

  • Frequently used shortcuts

  • Work with presentations and slides

  • Move between views

  • Select and edit text and objects

    • Select text

    • Edit text and objects

    • Move around in text

    • Move around and work in tables

  • Work with objects

  • Other useful shortcut keys

Frequently used shortcuts

The following table itemizes the most frequently used shortcuts in PowerPoint for Mac.

To do this


Create a new presentation.


Apply bold formatting to the selected text.


Cut the selected text, object, or slide.


Copy the selected text, object, or slide.


Paste the cut or copied text, object, or slide.


Undo the last action.


Redo or repeat an action.


Save the presentation.


Close PowerPoint.


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Work with presentations and slides

To do this


Create a new presentation with a template from the PowerPoint template gallery.


Insert a new slide.


Format slide background


Zoom out.

+Minus sign (-)

Zoom in.

+Plus sign (+)

Make a copy of the selected slide.


Open a presentation.


Close a presentation.


Print a presentation.


Save a presentation with a different name, location, or file format.


Cancel a command, such as Save As.


Move through multiple open presentations.

+Tilde sign (~)

Open a recent file.


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Move between views

To do this


Switch to Normal view.


Switch to Slide Sorter view.


Switch to Notes Page view.


Switch to Outline View


Toggle between Outline and Thumbnail views 


Switch to slide show.


Switch to full screen (hide menus).


Switch to presenter view.


Show or hide guides.


Switch to Handout Master view.


Switch to Slide Master view.


Switch to Notes Master view.


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Select and edit text and objects

Select text

To do this


Select one character to the right.

Shift+Right arrow key

Select one character to the left.

Shift+Left arrow key

Select from insertion point to the same point one line up.

Shift+Up arrow key

Select from insertion point to the same point one line down.

Shift+Down arrow key

Select all text to the start of the line.

+Shift+Left arrow key

Select all text to the end of the line.

+Shift+Right arrow key

Select from the insertion point to the end of the paragraph.

Shift+Option+Down arrow key

Select from the insertion point to the beginning of the paragraph.

Shift+Option+Up arrow key

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Edit text and objects

To do this


Delete one character to the left.


Delete one character to the right.


Paste special.


Copy formatting only


Paste formatting only


Copy animation


Paste animation


Increase the font size of the selected text.

+Shift+Right angle bracket (>)

Decrease the font size of the selected text.

+Shift+Left angle bracket (<)

Apply an underline to the selected text.


Apply italic formatting to the selected text.


Center a paragraph.


Justify a paragraph.


Left align a paragraph.


Right align a paragraph.


Promote list item


Demote list item


Add a hyperlink to the selected text, image, or object.


Add a new comment.


Find text and formatting.


Open the Font dialog box.


Open the Paragraph dialog box.


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Move around in text

To do this


Move to the beginning of a word or one word to the left.

Option+Left arrow key

Move one word to the right.

Option+Right arrow key

Move to the end of a line.

+Right arrow key

Move to the beginning of a line.

+Left arrow key

Move to the beginning of a paragraph or up one paragraph.

Option+Up arrow key

Move down one paragraph.

Option+Down arrow key

Move to the start or end of all the text in the object you are editing.

+Up or Down arrow key

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Move around and work in tables

To do this


Move to the next cell.

Tab key

Move to the preceding cell.


Move to the next line or row.

Down arrow key

Move to the preceding line or row.

Up arrow key

Start a new paragraph in a cell.


Add a new row at the bottom of the table (with the cursor in the last cell of the last row).

Tab key

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Work with objects

To do this


Select the next object.

Tab key

Select the previous object.


Select all objects and all text.


Move the selected object in the direction of the arrow.

Arrow keys or

+Arrow keys

Group the selected objects.


Ungroup the selected objects.


Regroup the selected objects.


Rotate the selected object clockwise.

Option+Right arrow key

Rotate the selected object counterclockwise. 

Option+Left arrow key

Format the selected object.


Duplicate selected objects.

+D or Control+Drag the mouse

Resize selected objects.

Shift+Arrow keys



Bring forward


Send backward


Bring to front


Send to back


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Other useful shortcut keys



Switch Drawing mode on and off.


Show Thesaurus entry for a selected word.


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See also

PowerPoint help & learning

Screen reader support for PowerPoint

Basic tasks to create a presentation in PowerPoint with a screen reader

Use a screen reader to explore and navigate PowerPoint

This article describes the keyboard shortcuts in PowerPoint for iOS when creating or editing presentations.


  • If you're familiar with keyboard shortcuts on your macOS computer, the same key combinations work with PowerPoint for iOS using an external keyboard, too.

  • To quickly find a shortcut, you can use the Search. Press Command+F and then type your search words.

In this topic

  • Frequently used shortcuts on iPad

  • Navigate in PowerPoint for iPad

  • Move the insertion point within placeholders and notes on iPad

  • Select content on iPad

  • Edit and format presentations on iPhone

  • Navigate and select within a text box on iPhone

Frequently used shortcuts on iPad

This table shows the most frequently used shortcuts for PowerPoint for iPad.

To do this


Insert a new slide.


Delete selected text, object, or slide.


Cut selected content and copy it to the clipboard.


Undo the last action.


Copy the selected content to the clipboard.


Paste copied or cut content.


Select all text.


Apply bold formatting to the selected content.


Apply italic formatting to the selected content.


Underline selected content.


Select one word to the left.

Shift+Option+Left arrow key

Select one word to the right.

Shift+Option+Right arrow key

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Navigate in PowerPoint for iPad

PowerPoint for iPad is a mobile application, so the keyboard shortcuts and navigation might be different from those in desktop versions of PowerPoint.

To move through the options, press Shift+Right arrow key until the focus is on the ribbon, and then press the Right or Left arrow key. To select an option, press 


To move the focus to different areas in PowerPoint for iPad (from the ribbon to the thumbnail pane, for example), place the focus on a button, and then press Shift+Right arrow key to move forward or Shift+Left arrow key to move backward.

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Move the insertion point within placeholders and notes on iPad

To do this


Move one character to the right.

Right arrow key

Move one character to the left.

Left arrow key

Move one word to the right.

Option+Right arrow key

Move one word to the left.

Option+Left arrow key

Move up one line.

Up arrow key

Move down one line.

Down arrow key

Move to the beginning of the line.

+Left arrow key

Move to the end of the line.

+Right arrow key

Move to the beginning of the placeholder or notes.

+Up arrow key

Move to the end of the placeholder or notes.


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Select content on iPad

To do this


Select one character to the right.

Shift+Right arrow key

Select one character to the left.

Shift+Left arrow key

Select one word to the right.


+Right arrow key

Select one word to the left.


+Left arrow key

Select one line up.

Shift+Up arrow key

Select one line down.

Shift+Down arrow key

Select from the insertion point to the beginning of the paragraph.

Shift+Option+Up arrow key

Select from the insertion point to the end of the paragraph.

Shift+Option+Down arrow key

Select all within the placeholder or notes.


Select from the current position to the beginning of the line.


+Left arrow key

Select from the current position to the end of the line.


+Right arrow key

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Edit and format presentations on iPhone

To do this


Undo the last action.


Repeat the last action.


Cut selected content.


Copy selected content.


Paste copied or cut content.


Select all.


Apply bold formatting to selected content.


Apply italic formatting to the selected content.


Underline selected content.


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Navigate and select within a text box on iPhone

To do this


Select text.

Shift+Left or Right arrow key, or Shift+Up or Down arrow key

Move cursor by one word to the right.

Option+Right arrow key

Move cursor by one word to the left.

Option+Left arrow key

Move cursor to the beginning of the text box.

+Up arrow key

Move cursor to the end of the text box.

+Down arrow key

Move cursor to the beginning of the current line.

+Left arrow key

Move cursor to the end of the current line.

+Right arrow key

Select one word to the left.

Shift+Option+Left arrow key

Select one word to the right.

Shift+Option+Right arrow key

Select from current position to beginning of the placeholder or notes.


+Up arrow key

Select from current position to the end of the placeholder or notes.


+Down arrow key

Select from current position to beginning of the line.


+Left arrow key

Select from current position to end of the line.


+Right arrow key

Top of Page

See also

PowerPoint help & learning

Screen reader support for PowerPoint

Basic tasks to create a presentation in PowerPoint with a screen reader

Use a screen reader to explore and navigate PowerPoint

This article describes the keyboard shortcuts in the creation mode in PowerPoint for the web on Windows.


  • If you use Narrator with the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, you have to turn off scan mode in order to edit documents, spreadsheets, or presentations with Microsoft 365 for the web. For more information, refer to Turn off virtual or browse mode in screen readers in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.

  • To quickly find a shortcut, you can use the Search. Press Ctrl+F and then type your search words.

  • When you use PowerPoint for the web, we recommend that you use Microsoft Edge as your web browser. Because PowerPoint for the web runs in your web browser, the keyboard shortcuts are different from those in the desktop program. For example, you’ll use Ctrl+F6 instead of F6 for jumping in and out of the commands. Also, common shortcuts like F1 (Help) and Ctrl+O (Open) apply to the web browser – not PowerPoint for the web.

In this topic

  • Frequently used shortcuts

  • Navigate with only the keyboard

  • Navigate in the Slide Show view

  • Navigate the ribbon and panes

  • Edit slides

  • Move the insertion point within placeholders and notes

  • Select content

  • Edit text

  • Move a selected shape

  • Arrange a selected shape

  • Format text

  • Work with comments

Frequently used shortcuts

The following table provides the shortcuts that you'll likely use often in PowerPoint for the web.

To do this


Insert a new slide (with the focus in the thumbnail pane).


Delete selected text, object, or slide.


Move a shape.

Arrow keys

Go to the next slide (with the focus in the thumbnail pane or in a slide show).

Page down

Go to the previous slide (with the focus in the thumbnail pane or in a slide show).

Page up

Exit the slide show.


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Navigate with only the keyboard

To move the focus to different parts and areas of PowerPoint for the web (from the ribbon to the thumbnail pane, for example) and in and out of the content of a slide, press Ctrl+F6 (forward) or press Ctrl+Shift+F6 (backward). To navigate options and controls in PowerPoint for the web, press the Tab key to move forward, press Shift+Tab to move backward, and press Enter to select.

Tip: To quickly perform an action while in the Editing mode, press Alt+Q. The focus moves to the Search or Tell Me search field. Then type the action or option you want. Press the Up arrow key or Down arrow key until you find the option, and then press Enter to select it.

The ribbon is the strip at the top of the PowerPoint for the web window. The ribbon is organized by tabs. Each tab displays a different set of tools and functions, made up of groups, and each group includes one or more options. To move the focus to the ribbon, press Alt+Windows logo key. You can also press Ctrl+F6 repeatedly until the ribbon has the focus.

Other shortcuts for using the ribbon include the following:

  • To move between tabs, press the Tab key or Shift+Tab.

  • To access the ribbon for the currently selected tab, press Enter.

  • To move between options on the ribbon, press the Tab key or Shift+Tab.

Options are activated in different ways, depending on the type of the option:

  • If the selected option is a button or split button, press Spacebar to activate it.

  • If the selected option is a list (such as the Font list), to open the list, press the Down arrow key. Then, to move between items, press the Up or Down arrow key. When the focus is on the item you want, press Enter to select it.

  • If the selected option is a gallery, press the Tab key to go to the More option for the gallery and then, to open the gallery, press Enter. Press the Tab key to move through the items, and press Enter to select one.

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Navigate in the Slide Show view

To do this


Go to the next slide.

N or Page down or Down arrow key

Go to the previous slide.

P or Page up or Up arrow key

Go to a specific slide.

G, then the Right or Left arrow key until on the slide, and then Enter

Turn captions or subtitles on or off.


Exit the Slide Show view.


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Navigate the ribbon and panes

To move through the landmarks in PowerPoint for the web, press Ctrl+F6.

To do this


Move from the slide pane, Comments pane, Notes pane, status bar, title bar, ribbon, and thumbnail pane.


Move in reverse order, from the slide pane, thumbnail pane, ribbon, title bar, status bar, Notes pane, and Comments pane.


Go to a different ribbon tab.

Tab key, Enter

Carry out the currently selected ribbon option.


Move between ribbon options or controls.

Tab key

Move between groups of features on the ribbon.

Ctrl+Left arrow key or Right arrow key

Switch between the simplified and classic ribbons.

Alt+Windows logo key, Z, R

Display the access keys (ribbon commands) on the classic ribbon when using Narrator.

Alt+Period (.)

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Edit slides

To do this


Create new slide after currently selected thumbnail.


Move left to right through placeholders on a slide.

Tab key

Select or edit the current placeholder.

Enter or F2

End editing text in a placeholder.


Select multiple single objects.

Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click

Select multiple objects.

Click+Drag the mouse or Shift+Drag the mouse, or Ctrl+Drag the mouse

Select all objects on the page.


Select all text in the active text box.


Copy a slide.


Paste a slide.


Undo the most recent action.


Redo the most recent action.


Move slide up one position in the thumbnail pane.

Ctrl+Up arrow key

Move slide down one position in the thumbnail pane.

Ctrl+Down arrow key

Move slide to the first position in the thumbnail pane.

Ctrl+Shift+Up arrow key

Move slide to the last position in the thumbnail pane.

Ctrl+Shift+Down arrow key

Decrease font size.

Ctrl+Left bracket ([)

Increase font size.

Ctrl+Right bracket (])

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Move the insertion point within placeholders and notes

To do this


Move right one character.

Right arrow key

Move left one character.

Left arrow key

Move right one word.

Ctrl+Right arrow key

Move left one word.

Ctrl+Left arrow key

Move up one line.

Up arrow key

Move down one line.

Down arrow key

Move up one paragraph.

Ctrl+Up arrow key

Move down one paragraph.

Ctrl+Down arrow key

Move to the beginning of a line.


Move to the end of a line.


Move to the beginning of a placeholder or notes.


Move to the end of a placeholder or notes.


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Select content

To do this


Select one character to the right.

Shift+Right arrow key

Select one character to the left.

Shift+Left arrow key

Select one word to the right.

Shift+Ctrl+Right arrow key

Select one word to the left.

Shift+Ctrl+Left arrow key

Select one line up.

Shift+Up arrow key

Select one line down.

Shift+Down arrow key

Select one paragraph up.

Shift+Ctrl+Up arrow key

Select one paragraph down.

Shift+Ctrl+Down arrow key

Select to the beginning of a paragraph.


Select to the end of a paragraph.


Select to the beginning of a placeholder or notes.


Select to the end of a placeholder or notes.


Select all within the placeholder or notes.


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Edit text

To do this


Save changes.

PowerPoint for the web saves changes automatically.

Cut selected text.


Copy selected text.


Paste text.


Paste text, unformatted.


Insert hyperlink


Undo the last change.


Redo the last undo.


Left-justify (left-align) selected paragraph.


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Move a selected shape

To do this


Nudge the shape to the right.

Right arrow key

Nudge the shape to the left.

Left arrow key

Nudge the shape up.

Up arrow key

Nudge the shape down.

Down arrow key

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Arrange a selected shape

To do this


Send the shape to the back.

Ctrl+Shift+Left bracket ([)

Send the shape backward.

Ctrl+Left bracket ([)

Send the shape to the front.

Ctrl+Shift+Right bracket (])

Send the shape forward.

Ctrl+Right bracket (])

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Format text

To do this


Make selected text bold.


Make selected text Italics.


Underline selected text.


Align selected text left.


Align selected text right.


Center selected text.


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See also

PowerPoint help & learning

Make your PowerPoint presentations accessible to people with disabilities

Basic tasks to create a presentation in PowerPoint with a screen reader

Use a screen reader to explore and navigate PowerPoint


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