코이카츠 zipmod - koikacheu zipmod

HF Patch v3.19 for Koikatu and Koikatsu Party


Please use one of these two links to download the patch. Do not use other download links on this GitHub repository, they will contain only source code for the patch, not the patch itself.

  • Readme, help and download links (through Patreon post)
  • Torrent (use with a torrent client like qBittorrent to download the patch):


Patcher changes

  • Translations are now installed by default in Chinese language installs

Mods added

  • Added option to use the official worldwide card servers (in the in-game browser)

Mods updated

  • Sideloader Modpacks up to 2022-11-26
  • English Translations up to 2022-11-26
  • BepisPlugins v18.2 -> v19.1 (Collection of essential plugins)
  • Modding API v1.33 -> v1.35 (API needed by many plugins)
  • Uncensor Selector v3.11.5 -> v3.11.6 (NEEDS Koikatsu Overlay Mods!)
  • Material Editor v3.1.18 -> v3.1.21 (Adds advanced material controls to maker and studio)
  • KKABMX (BonemodX) v4.4.6 -> v5.0.2 (More sliders in maker)
  • Skin Overlay Mod v6.0.7 -> v6.1 (Custom body, clothes and eye textures)
  • KKPE v2.13.2 -> v2.13.3.1 (Advanced studio controls)
  • Timeline v1.1.6 -> v1.1.7 (Advanced animation editor for Studio (Ctrl+T, read the Help))
  • CharaStateX v1.1 -> v1.1.1.0 (Can edit state of multiple charas in studio at once)
  • Dynamic Bone Editor v1.0.4 -> v1.0.5 (Editing for accessory DynamicBones in the character maker)
  • Free H Defaults v1.1 -> v2.0.0.0 (Keeps free H selection screen settings)
  • Free H Random v1.3 -> v1.4 (Adds Random Character buttons to FreeH)
  • KKUS v1.11.1 -> v1.12.0 (Search boxes, studio and maker improvements)
  • LockOnPlugin v2.6.2 -> v2.6.3.0 (Hotkey to make camera keep focus on character)
  • RealPOV v1.3 -> v1.3.1.0 (First person camera for H)
  • Shader Swapper v1.2 -> v1.3 (Swap all shaders to the equivalent Vanilla Plus shader in maker (ctrl + P))
  • SliderHighlight v2.1.2 -> v2.2 (Plugin that highlights the area affected by sliders in character maker)
  • Title shortcuts v1.2.3 -> v1.3.0.0 (Hotkeys in main menu; can automatically start maker)
  • VideoExport v1.2.5 -> v1.2.6 (Video and gif recorder, press Ctrl+E)
  • RuntimeUnityEditor v2.7 -> v4.0.1 (Debugging and development tool)
  • Cheat Tools v3 -> v3.2.1 (Trainer and debugger)
  • ButtPlugin v2.10 -> v3.2.0 (Adds support for buttplug.io compatible strokers and vibrators)

Mods removed

  • Studio Save Workspace Order Fix v20.8.5.0 (Very rarely prevented studio scenes from being saved properly)
  • Random Character Generator v2.0 (Already included in MakerRandomPicker, caused duplicate Random tabs in maker)

HF Patch v3.18 for Koikatu and Koikatsu Party


Please use one of these two links to download the patch. Do not use other download links on this GitHub repository, they will contain only source code for the patch, not the patch itself.

  • Readme, help and download links (through Patreon post)
  • Torrent (use with a torrent client like qBittorrent to download the patch):


Patcher changes

  • Added info about running under wine to the readme

Mods added

  • Free H Defaults v1.1.0.0 (Keeps free H selection screen settings)
  • MakerCameraPresets v1.0.1 (Allows you to create a set of camera presets in Maker)
  • Reload Character List On Change v1.5.2 (Reloads character list if it changes)
  • UIScalerAndWidescreenSupport v1.0.2 (Allows widescreen and UI scaling)

Mods updated

  • Sideloader Modpacks up to 2022-09-27
  • English Translations up to 2022-09-27
  • BepInEx v5.4.19 -> v5.4.21.0 (Plugin framework)
  • Configuration Manager v17 -> v17.1 (Can change plugin settings. Press F1 to open, not visible inside HMD)
  • KKManager v0.19 -> v0.19.1.0 (Manage and update mods, browse cards)
  • Material Editor v3.1.17 -> v3.1.18 (Adds advanced material controls to maker and studio)
  • KK_Pregnancy v2.6 -> v2.7 (Adds pregnancy to gameplay, maker and studio)
  • KK_PregnancyPlus v6.3.2 -> v6.3.3 (Adds additional belly sliders in Studio and Maker)
  • Additional Skin Effects v2.0.1 -> v2.1.1 (Effects for sweating, crying, bukkake and deflowering)
  • Timeline v1.1.5 -> v1.1.6 (Advanced animation editor for Studio (Ctrl+T, read the Help))
  • LewdCrestX v1.3.3 -> v1.4 (Give characters lewd crests)
  • IllusionFixes v20 -> v20.1 (A collection of important fixes)
  • EditFangs v1.1 -> v1.1.2 (Allows adjusting the length and position of the vanilla fangs)
  • HLightControl v1.2.4 -> v1.2.5 (Gives better control of lighting in H scenes)
  • More Outfit Slots v1.1.2 -> v1.1.3 (Allows characters to have more than the default number of outfit slots)
  • TalkFreeCamera v1 -> v1.0.1 (This plugin allows you to have a free camera view in Talk Scenes)
  • StudioWindowResize v1.1 -> v1.1.1 (Makes studio selection windows larger so more items are visible)
  • TreeNodeNaming v1.1.1 -> v1.2.0 (Allows the renaming of nodes in studio treeview)
  • RuntimeUnityEditor v2.5 -> v2.7 (Debugging and development tool)
  • Custom intro voices v19 -> v20.0 (Co to kurwa jest)
  • ButtPlugin v2.8 -> v2.10.0 (Adds support for buttplug.io compatible strokers and vibrators)

Mods removed

  • AccUndo v0.9.0 (Broken after moreaccs 2.0)
  • CzAdd_FK_node (Caused too many issues)

HF Patch v3.17 for Koikatu and Koikatsu Party


Please use one of these two links to download the patch. Do not use other download links on this GitHub repository, they will contain only source code for the patch, not the patch itself.

  • Readme, help and download links (through Patreon post)
  • Torrent (use with a torrent client like qBittorrent to download the patch):


Patcher changes

  • Overwrite existing UncensorSelector settings to make sure only BP uncensors are used on random if BP is installed, and vice-versa (before it only set defaults if settings didn't already exist)

Mods added

  • KK_CharaLightDisabler v1.0.1 (Disables Character Light in specially-marked maps)

Mods updated

  • Configuration Manager v16.4 -> v17.0 (Can change plugin settings. Press F1 to open, not visible inside HMD)
  • IllusionLaunchers v3.2.0.20675 -> v3.3.0.0 (Custom game launcher)
  • KKManager v0.18 -> v0.19.0.0 (Manage and update mods, browse cards)
  • Animation Loader v1.1.1.3 -> v1.1.2.2 (A plugin for loading animations from Sideloader zipmods)
  • Modding API v1.32 -> v1.33 (API needed by many plugins)
  • XUnity Auto Translator v5 -> v5.1.0 (Translation loader)
  • KK Better Penetration v4.5.2 -> v4.5.5.0 (Improves how penetration looks in H scenes)
  • KK_PregnancyPlus v6.3 -> v6.3.2 (Adds additional belly sliders in Studio and Maker)
  • Timeline v1.1.3 -> v1.1.5 (Advanced animation editor for Studio (Ctrl+T, read the Help))
  • IllusionFixes v19.3 -> v20.0 (A collection of important fixes)
  • KKUS v1.11 -> v1.11.1 (Search boxes, studio and maker improvements)
  • Moan softly when I H you v1 -> v1.0.1 (Quieter breathing in H scenes, automatically gets louder as excitement increases)
  • VideoExport v1.2.3 -> v1.2.5 (Video and gif recorder, press Ctrl+E)
  • KK_MakerRandomPicker v1.2 -> v1.3.0 (Adds a Random button to every category in Character Maker)
  • Shader Swapper v1.1 -> v1.2 (Swap all shaders to the equivalent Vanilla Plus shader in maker (ctrl + P))
  • Custom intro voices v16 -> v19.0 (High on sulfuric acid)

Mods removed

  • BepIn4Patcher v1.0.0.0 (Backwards compatibility with BepInEx4 plugins, you can still install it separately if you really need it)

HF Patch v3.16 for Koikatu and Koikatsu Party


Please use one of these two links to download the patch. Do not use other download links on this GitHub repository, they will contain only source code for the patch, not the patch itself.

  • Readme, help and download links (through Patreon post)
  • Torrent (use with a torrent client like qBittorrent to download the patch):


Patcher changes

  • Set the "Override KK_Pregnancy belly shape" config setting to true by default

Mods added

  • Clothes To Accessories v1.0.2 (Allows using normal clothes and hair as accessories)
  • Accessory States v1.6 (Turn accessories on or off based on clothing states, alternative to AccStateSync)
  • Copy Character BodyMaterial v1.0.0 (Copies the body material unto clothing that have part of the body mesh with them)
  • KK_StudioWindowResize v1.1 (Makes studio selection windows larger so more items are visible)
  • KK_EditFangs v1.1.0 (Allows adjusting the length and position of the vanilla fangs)
  • TreeNodeNaming v1.1.1 (Allows the renaming of nodes in studio treeview)

Mods updated

  • Sideloader Modpacks up to 2022-04-28
  • English Translations up to 2022-04-15
  • BepisPlugins v17 -> v18.2 (Collection of essential plugins)
  • Animation Loader v1.1.1.1 -> v1.1.1.3 (A plugin for loading animations from Sideloader zipmods)
  • Modding API v1.31.2 -> v1.32 (API needed by many plugins)
  • Mod Bone Implantor v1.1.1 -> v1.1.2 (Needed by some clothing mods to add dynamic bones)
  • Subtitles v2.3.1 -> v2.3.2 (Maker and H-scene subtitles. Warning: Most of the subs are machine-translated and can be pretty bad in H-scenes)
  • KK Better Penetration v4.5.1 -> v4.5.2.0 (Improves how penetration looks in H scenes)
  • Material Editor v3.1.16 -> v3.1.17 (Adds advanced material controls to maker and studio)
  • KK_Pregnancy v2.5.2 -> v2.6 (Adds pregnancy to gameplay, maker and studio)
  • Accessory Clothes v1.0.1 -> v1.0.2 (Necessary to load some accessories)
  • IllusionFixes v19.1 -> v19.3 (A collection of important fixes)
  • CharaStateX v1.0.3 -> v1.1.0.0 (Can edit state of multiple charas in studio at once)
  • CameraFrameMask v1.0.1 -> v1.1.0.0 (Make loading characters look less glitchy)
  • Title shortcuts v1.2.2 -> v1.2.3.0 (Hotkeys in main menu; can automatically start maker)
  • Eye Shaking v1.3 -> v1.3.1 (Adds excited eyes effect to H scenes)
  • Force High Poly v1.2.2 -> v2.1 (Full-quality characters in school, enable in plugin settings)
  • DefaultParamEditor v1.1.2 -> v1.2.0.0 (Set custom default studio settings)
  • Pose Quick Load v1 -> v1.1 (Load poses in studio by only selecting, turn on in plugin settings)
  • Free H Random v1.2 -> v1.3 (Adds Random Character buttons to FreeH)
  • Fade Adjuster v1.0.1 -> v1.0.3 (Change color of loading screens and fade in/out speed)
  • Item Layer Edit v1.0.1 -> v1.1.0.0 (Switch objects between chara and map layers)
  • Coordinate Load Option v21.1.4 -> v21.12.25.1 (Can load only specific parts of outfits)
  • KK_ObjImport v1.2.2 -> v2.1.2 (Import external .obj files directly into Studio)
  • Shader Swapper v1 -> v1.1 (Swap all shaders to the equivalent Vanilla Plus shader in maker (ctrl + P))
  • Boop v1 -> v2.0 (Make 'em bounce)
  • ButtPlugin v2.7 -> v2.8.0 (Adds support for buttplug.io compatible strokers and vibrators)

Mods removed

  • AccStateSync v4.5.0.0 (Replaced by Accessory States)

HF Patch v3.15 for Koikatu and Koikatsu Party


Please use one of these two links to download the patch. Do not use other download links on this GitHub repository, they will contain only source code for the patch, not the patch itself.

  • Readme, help and download links (through Patreon post)
  • Torrent (use with a torrent client like qBittorrent to download the patch):


Mods added

  • Shader Swapper v1.0 (Swap all shaders to the equivalent Vanilla Plus shader in maker (ctrl + P))
  • Pose Tools v1.1.1 (Increases usability of Studio poses (thumbnails, saves face expressions))

Mods updated

  • Sideloader Modpacks up to 2022/02/25
  • BepInEx v5.4.18 -> v5.4.19.0 (Plugin framework)
  • XUnity Resource Redirector v1.2.1 -> v2.0.0 (Modding API)
  • BepisPlugins v16.9.2 -> v17.0 (Collection of essential plugins)
  • Animation Loader v1.1 -> v1.1.1.1 (A plugin for loading animations from Sideloader zipmods)
  • Modding API v1.30.1 -> v1.31.2 (API needed by many plugins)
  • XUnity Auto Translator v1.0.2.1 -> v5.0.0 (Translation loader)
  • KK Better Penetration v4.5 -> v4.5.1.0 (Improves how penetration looks in H scenes)
  • Hair Accessory Customizer v1.1.6 -> v1.1.7 (Adds advanced controls for hair accessories)
  • Material Editor v3.1.12 -> v3.1.16 (Adds advanced material controls to maker and studio)
  • KK_PregnancyPlus v5.5 -> v6.3 (Adds additional belly sliders in Studio and Maker)
  • Timeline v1.1.2 -> v1.1.3 (Advanced animation editor for Studio (Ctrl+T, read the Help))
  • LewdCrestX v1.2.1 -> v1.3.3 (Give characters lewd crests)
  • IllusionFixes v19 -> v19.1 (A collection of important fixes)
  • Maker Defaults v1.0.2 -> v1.1 (Set custom default character maker settings)
  • AdvIKPlugin v1.6.3 -> v1.7.1 (Adds shoulder controls to IK in Studio)
  • VideoExport v1.2.2 -> v1.2.3 (Video and gif recorder, press Ctrl+E)
  • Profile v1.0.2 -> v1.0.3 (A textbox in maker to write a character description)
  • Extra move axis in bottom right corner v1 -> v2.0 (Adds extra move gizmo in bottom right corner for studio)
  • PantyFairy v1.0.1 -> v1.0.2 (A custom side quest for Koikatsu with some new gameplay features)
  • ShaderManagementTool v2.1 -> v3.2.0.0 (Allows you to change shaders all at once and save presets)
  • GamepadSupport v2.0.2 -> v2.1 (Adds UI support for xinput gamepads and keyboard arrow keys to main game)
  • ButtPlugin v0.17 -> v2.7.0 (Adds support for buttplug.io compatible strokers and vibrators)

Mods removed

  • None!

HF Patch v3.14 for Koikatu and Koikatsu Party


Please use one of these two links to download the patch. Do not use other download links on this GitHub repository, they will contain only source code for the patch, not the patch itself.

  • Readme, help and download links (through Patreon post)
  • Torrent (use with a torrent client like qBittorrent to download the patch):


Patcher changes

  • Check for invalid characters in game path, show a warning before install
  • Check for KK Sunshine and show error if it's installed in chosen directory
  • Fix sometimes removing scripts even if not checked
  • Updated some translation strings
  • No longer install IPALoaderX and BepIn4Patcher by default with "extra" installations (need to select them manually)
  • Install VR module updates by default

Mods added

  • AccStateSync v4.5.0.0 (Replaces AccessoryStates)
  • ShaderManagementTool v2.1.0.0 (Allows you to change shaders all at once and save presets)
  • KK_StudioMiscSearch v1.2.0 (Adds search bars to various Studio lists)
  • KK_StudioKeybinds v1.0.1 (Allows you to change (almost) all default keybinds in Studio)
  • KK_ObjImport v1.2.2 (Import external .obj files directly into Studio)
  • KK_MakerAnimatePoseToggle v1.1.0 (Adds a checkbox at the bottom of the right sidebar in maker)
  • Clothing BlendShape v1.0.0 (Adds the option to adjust the amount of squeeze for certain modded items)

Mods updated

  • Sideloader Modpacks up to 2022-01-05
  • English translations up to 2022-01-05
  • BepInEx v5.4.17 -> v5.4.18.0 (Plugin framework)
  • XUnity Resource Redirector v1.2 -> v1.2.1 (Modding API)
  • BepisPlugins v16.9 -> v16.9.2 (Collection of essential plugins)
  • Animation Loader v1.0.8 -> v1.1.0.0 (A plugin for loading animations from Sideloader zipmods)
  • Modding API v1.28 -> v1.30.1 (API needed by many plugins)
  • Uncensor Selector v3.11.4 -> v3.11.5 (NEEDS Koikatsu Overlay Mods!)
  • KK Better Penetration v4.4 -> v4.5.0.0 (Improves how penetration looks in H scenes)
  • Material Editor v3.1.10 -> v3.1.12 (Adds advanced material controls to maker and studio)
  • MoreAccessories v2.0.18 -> v2.0.21 (Unlocks accessory limit)
  • KKABMX (BonemodX) v4.4.5 -> v4.4.6 (More sliders in maker)
  • KK_PregnancyPlus v5.2 -> v5.5 (Adds additional belly sliders in Studio and Maker)
  • Skin Overlay Mod v6.0.4 -> v6.0.7 (Custom body, clothes and eye textures)
  • KKPE v2.12 -> v2.13.2 (Advanced studio controls)
  • NodesConstraints v1.2.1 -> v1.2.2 (Create custom animations in studio)
  • Timeline v1.0.1 -> v1.1.2 (Advanced animation editor for Studio (Ctrl+T, read the Help))
  • IllusionFixes v18.1 -> v19.0 (A collection of important fixes)
  • HideAllUI v2.3 -> v2.3.2 (Press space to hide interface)
  • KKUS v1.9 -> v1.11.0 (Search boxes, studio and maker improvements)
  • KK_MakerSearch v1.5 -> v1.5.1 (Search boxes in character maker item lists)
  • Drag and Drop v1.2.3 -> v1.2.7 (Drag cards and scenes from explorer into game window)
  • FK and IK v1.1.2 -> v1.1.3 (Adds FK & IK mode in studio)
  • Eye Shaking v1.2 -> v1.3 (Adds excited eyes effect to H scenes)
  • Pushup v1.3.1 -> v1.3.2 (Bras affect breast shape, replaces Kiyase)
  • Maker Defaults v1.0.1 -> v1.0.2 (Set custom default character maker settings)
  • Character Replacer v1.6.2 -> v1.6.3 (Can change the janitor to any character, requires Darkness)
  • Rim Remover v1.1 -> v1.2 (Can disable rim light for a flat game look)
  • VideoExport v1.2.1 -> v1.2.2 (Video and gif recorder, press Ctrl+E)
  • Profile v1.0.1 -> v1.0.2 (A textbox in maker to write a character description)
  • SliderHighlight v2.1 -> v2.1.2 (Plugin that highlights the area affected by sliders in character maker)
  • PantyFairy v1 -> v1.0.1 (A custom side quest for Koikatsu with some new gameplay features)
  • More Outfit Slots v1.1 -> v1.1.2 (Allows characters to have more than the default number of outfit slots)
  • ButtPlugin v2.1 -> v0.17.0.0 (Adds support for buttplug.io compatible strokers and vibrators)

Mods removed

  • Accessory States v1.6 (Replaced by AccStateSync)

HF Patch v3.13 for Koikatu and Koikatsu Party


Please use one of these two links to download the patch. Do not use other download links on this GitHub repository, they will contain only source code for the patch, not the patch itself.

  • Readme, help and download links (through Patreon post)
  • Torrent (use with a torrent client like qBittorrent to download the patch):


Patcher changes

  • Fixed machine translations being used instead of hand-made translations in some cases

Mods added

  • Two Luts in Studio v1.0 (Allows you to freely mix two studio shades (luts))
  • Accessory States v1.6 (An alternative to AccStateSync, can use its data)
  • More Outfit Slots v1.1 (Allows characters to have more than the default number of outfit slots)
  • KK_MakerRandomPicker v1.2.0 (Adds a Random button to every category in Character Maker)
  • Lighting Tweaks v1.0.1 (Increase shadow resolution for better quality and fix a shadow strength mismatch)
  • CzAdd_FK_node (Exposes additional FK nodes in studio that are normally hidden)
  • CrossFader v0.11 (Replaces fades between animations with animated transitions)

Mods updated

  • Sideloader Modpacks up to 2021-10-29
  • English translations up to 2021-10-29
  • BepInEx v5.4.15 -> v5.4.17.0 (Plugin framework)
  • Configuration Manager v16.1 -> v16.4 (Can change plugin settings. Press F1 to open, not visible inside HMD)
  • IllusionLaunchers v3.1.1 -> v3.2.0.20675 (Custom game launcher)
  • KKManager v0.17 -> v0.18.0.0 (Manage and update mods, browse cards)
  • BepisPlugins v16.4 -> v16.9 (Collection of essential plugins)
  • Modding API v1.23 -> v1.28 (API needed by many plugins)
  • Mod Bone Implantor v1.1 -> v1.1.1 (Needed by some clothing mods to add dynamic bones)
  • Subtitles v2.2 -> v2.3.1 (Maker and H-scene subtitles. Warning: Most of the subs are machine-translated and can be pretty bad in H-scenes)
  • Uncensor Selector v3.11.2 -> v3.11.4 (NEEDS Koikatsu Overlay Mods!)
  • KK Better Penetration v4.2 -> v4.4.0.0 (Improves how penetration looks in H scenes)
  • Hair Accessory Customizer v1.1.5 -> v1.1.6 (Adds advanced controls for hair accessories)
  • Material Editor v3.1.1 -> v3.1.10 (Adds advanced material controls to maker and studio)
  • Image Embed v1 -> v1.0.2 (Embeds custom images in scene files so others can load them)
  • MoreAccessories v1.1 -> v2.0.18 (Unlocks accessory limit)
  • KKABMX (BonemodX) v4.4.3 -> v4.4.5 (More sliders in maker)
  • KK_PregnancyPlus v4.7 -> v5.2 (Adds additional belly sliders in Studio and Maker)
  • Skin Overlay Mod v6.0.2 -> v6.0.4 (Custom body, clothes and eye textures)
  • Additional Skin Effects v1.9 -> v2.0.1 (Effects for sweating, crying, bukkake and deflowering)
  • Clothing Unlocker v2.0.1 -> v2.0.2 (Can use female clothes in male maker and vice versa)
  • Studio Custom Masking v1 -> v1.1.1 (Can mark studio items to not block camera view)
  • Accessory Clothes v1 -> v1.0.1 (Necessary to load some accessories)
  • IllusionFixes v16 -> v18.1 (A collection of important fixes)
  • HideAllUI v2.2 -> v2.3 (Press space to hide interface)
  • KK_MakerSearch v1.4 -> v1.5.0 (Search boxes in character maker item lists)
  • Maker/Studio Browser Folders v2.5.2 -> v2.6.2 (Folder support in chara/scene select screens)
  • FK and IK v1.1.1 -> v1.1.2 (Adds FK & IK mode in studio)
  • RealPOV v1.2 -> v1.3.0.0 (First person camera for H)
  • Pushup v1.3 -> v1.3.1 (Bras affect breast shape, replaces Kiyase)
  • Clothing State Menu v3.0.1 -> v3.1 (Can undress in chara maker and in H scenes)
  • Autosave v1.1 -> v1.1.1 (Autosaves studio scenes and maker cards periodically)
  • KK_StudioAccessoryNames v1 -> v1.1.0 (Shows the acc names in studio)
  • Dynamic Bone Editor v1.0.3 -> v1.0.4 (Editing for accessory DynamicBones in the character maker)
  • Move Controller KOI v1.7.1 -> v1.7.1.1 (This plugin makes moving, rotating of objects in the CharaStudio easier)
  • RuntimeUnityEditor v2.4 -> v2.5.0.0 (Debugging and development tool)
  • Cheat Tools v2.10.1 -> v3.0 (Trainer and debugger)
  • ButtPlugin v2.0.2 -> v2.1.0.0 (Adds support for buttplug.io compatible strokers and vibrators)

Mods removed

  • KK_AccStateSync v4.3.1.0 (Will re-add once it's compatible with new MoreAccessories, in the meantime Accessory States is included instead)
  • StudioCharaSort v1.0.4.0 (Got reports of it causing some issues, will re-test next version)
  • MovUrAcc v1.9.0.0 (Will re-add once it's compatible with new MoreAccessories)
  • CumOnOver v2.3.0.0 (Will re-add once it's compatible with new MoreAccessories)

HF Patch v3.12 for Koikatu and Koikatsu Party


Please use one of these two links to download the patch. Do not use other download links on this GitHub repository, they will contain only source code for the patch, not the patch itself.

  • Readme, help and download links (through Patreon post)
  • Torrent (use with a torrent client like qBittorrent to download the patch):


Patcher changes

  • Added light version of the patch without sideloader modpacks
  • Updated default uncensor config and fixed it not being applied properly

Mods added

  • Move Controller KOI v1.7.1 (This plugin makes moving, rotating of objects in the CharaStudio easier)
  • KK_TalkFreeCamera v1.0.0 (This plugin allows you to have a free camera view in Talk Scenes)
  • Cloth colliders support v1.1 (Allows zipmods to easily add cloth physics to clothes)
  • AccUndo v0.9.0 (This plugin allows for undoing and redoing accessory modifications)
  • ButtPlugin v2.0.2.0 (Adds support for buttplug.io compatible strokers and vibrators)

Mods updated

  • Sideloader modpacks up to 2021/08/19
  • English translations up to 2021/08/19
  • BepInEx v5.4.11 -> v5.4.15.0 (Plugin framework)
  • BepisPlugins v16.3.1 -> v16.4 (Collection of essential plugins)
  • Modding API v1.20.3 -> v1.23 (API needed by many plugins)
  • Mod Bone Implantor v1 -> v1.1 (Needed by some clothing mods to add dynamic bones)
  • Translation Helper v1.1.0.8 -> v1.1.0.9 (Extension for AT, needed for some translations)
  • KK Better Penetration v4.0.3 -> v4.2.0.0 (Improves how penetration looks in H scenes)
  • KK Studio Better Penetration v2.0.2 -> v2.2.1.0 (BetterPenetration for studio)
  • KKABMX (BonemodX) v4.4.2 -> v4.4.3 (More sliders in maker)
  • KK_Pregnancy v2.5 -> v2.5.2 (Adds pregnancy to gameplay, maker and studio)
  • KK_PregnancyPlus v3.11 -> v4.7 (Adds additional belly sliders in Studio and Maker)
  • KK_AccStateSync v3.1.2 -> v4.3.1.0 (Allows hiding accessories based on clothing state)
  • LewdCrestX v1.2 -> v1.2.1 (Give characters lewd crests)
  • IllusionFixes v15.3.1 -> v16.0 (A collection of important fixes)
  • KK_Ahegao v1.10 -> v1.12 (Climax 3 times for ahegao)
  • StudioCharaSort v1.0.2 -> v1.0.4.0 (Change default list sort order in Studio)
  • AdvIKPlugin v1.6.2 -> v1.6.3 (Adds shoulder controls to IK in Studio)
  • MovUrAcc v1.7 -> v1.9.0.0 (Allows batch movement of accessories)
  • Night Darkener v1.1.1 -> v1.2 (Makes H scenes at night much darker)
  • CumOnOver v2.1 -> v2.3.0.0 (Extends milk splashes onto gloves and accessories(Might cause issues))

Mods removed

  • None!

HF Patch v3.11 for Koikatu and Koikatsu Party


Please use one of these two links to download the patch. Do not use other download links on this GitHub repository, they will contain only source code for the patch, not the patch itself.

  • Readme, help and download links (through Patreon post)
  • Torrent (use with a torrent client like qBittorrent to download the patch):


Patcher changes

  • Added patch file verification preinstall step
  • Added progress bar to preinstall step
  • Remember last patch install location
  • Detect KK Sunshine and refuse to install with an explanation
  • Minor changes to game directory sanity checks
  • Fixed some translation issues with KKP and KKP:AP

Mods added

  • None :(

Mods updated

  • Sideloader modpacks up to 2021/07/07
  • English translations up to 2021/07/07
  • Animation Loader v1.0.6 -> v1.0.8 (A plugin for loading animations from Sideloader zipmods)
  • Modding API v1.20.2 -> v1.20.3 (API needed by many plugins)
  • GeBo Modding API v1.1 -> v1.1.2.1 (Modding API necessary for plugins by GeBo)
  • Text Resource Redirector v1.4.4 -> v1.4.4.3 (Needed for many translations to load)
  • Translation Helper v1.1.0.1 -> v1.1.0.8 (Extension for AT, needed for some translations)
  • Translation Cache Cleaner v0.6 -> v0.6.0.2 (Hotkey to clean stale translations from cache)
  • KK Better Penetration v4.0.2 -> v4.0.3.0 (Improves how penetration looks in H scenes)
  • IllusionFixes v15.3 -> v15.3.1 (A collection of important fixes)
  • Male Juice v1.2.2 -> v1.3 (Enables liquid textures on males)
  • Dress for Success v1.2 -> v1.2.0.2 (Auto adjust player clothes to match current event)
  • KK_QuickAccessBox v2.4.1 -> v2.4.2 (Search all studio items, LeftCtrl+Space)
  • Maker/Studio Browser Folders v2.5.1 -> v2.5.2 (Folder support in chara/scene select screens)
  • StudioCharaSort v1.0.3 -> v1.0.2.0 (Change default list sort order in Studio)
  • AdvIKPlugin v1.5.5 -> v1.6.2 (Adds shoulder controls to IK in Studio)
  • Game Dialog Helper v1.0.1 -> v1.0.1.2 (Highlights correct dialog choices)
  • Studio Scene Navigation v1 -> v1.0.2.2 (Provides hotkeys for loading the next/previous scene from the scenes folder)
  • Studio MultiSelect Chara v1 -> v1.0.0.2 (If you select a character in studio and press the hotkey, all other instances will also be selected)

Mods removed

  • Reload Character List On Change v1.5.2 (Has some compatibility issues and is mostly unnecessary with the folder browser plugin)
  • Studio Scene Chara Info v0.2.0 (Has some issues, will readd when a stable release is out)

HF Patch v3.10 for Koikatu and Koikatsu Party


Please use one of these two links to download the patch. Do not use other download links on this GitHub repository, they will contain only source code for the patch, not the patch itself.

  • Readme, help and download links (through Patreon post)
  • Torrent (use with a torrent client like qBittorrent to download the patch):


Patcher changes

  • Added support for the After Party expansion (added download info, fixed some issues in VR and studio)
  • Updated installer interface to be easier to use and changed installer banner image
  • Make post-install code run on the "finishing setup" page instead of a blank one
  • Show a list of included plugins with links and credits at end of install
  • Offer to open official English readme at end if available
  • Fixed taking a long time to close after installation is finished and not running some steps if installer is closed with the X button

Mods added

  • Catch Unity Event Exceptions v1.0 (Prevents some bugs in plugins from affecting other plugins)
  • Boobs outline + unc outline fix (Improves how outlines look around cleavage and pubic areas)
  • Pose Gender Restriction Unlocker v1.0 (Removes the gender restriction on saved Studio poses)
  • KK Studio Better Penetration v2.0.2 (BetterPenetration for studio, instructions)

Mods updated

  • Sideloader Modpacks up to 2021/06/03
  • English translations up to 2021/06/03
  • BepInEx v5.4.5 -> v5.4.11.0 (Plugin framework)
  • IllusionLaunchers v3.1 -> v3.1.1.0 (Custom game launcher)
  • KKManager v0.16 -> v0.17.0.0 (Manage and update mods, browse cards)
  • BepisPlugins v16.3 -> v16.3.1 (Collection of essential plugins)
  • Animation Loader v1.0.3 -> v1.0.6 (A plugin for loading animations from Sideloader zipmods)
  • Modding API v1.18 -> v1.20.2 (API needed by many plugins)
  • Translation Helper v1.1 -> v1.1.0.1 (Extension for AT, needed for some translations)
  • Uncensor Selector v3.11.1 -> v3.11.2 (NEEDS Koikatsu Overlay Mods!)
  • KK Better Penetration v3.1.2 -> v4.0.2.0 (Improves how penetration looks in H scenes)
  • Material Editor v3.0.4 -> v3.1.1 (adds advanced material controls to maker and studio)
  • KKABMX (BonemodX) v4.4.1 -> v4.4.2 (More sliders in maker)
  • KK_PregnancyPlus v2.2 -> v3.11 (Adds additional belly sliders in Studio and Maker)
  • Skin Overlay Mod v5.2.1 -> v6.0.2 (Custom body, clothes and eye textures)
  • StudioSceneSettings v1.3.1 -> v1.3.2 (Adds more effect settings for scenes)
  • KK_AccStateSync v3 -> v3.1.2.0 (Allows hiding accessories based on clothing state)
  • Timeline v1.1 -> v1.0.1 (Advanced animation editor for Studio (Ctrl+T, read the Help))
  • LewdCrestX v1.1.1 -> v1.2 (Give characters lewd crests)
  • IllusionFixes v15.2.1 -> v15.3 (A collection of important fixes)
  • Input Hotkey Block v1.3 -> v1.4 (Blocks plugin keybinds while typing)
  • CharaStateX v1.0.3.231 -> v1.0.3.0 (Can edit state of multiple charas in studio at once)
  • CameraFrameMask v1.0.1.231 -> v1.0.1.0 (Make loading characters look less glitchy)
  • KK_QuickAccessBox v2.3 -> v2.4.1 (Search all studio items, LeftCtrl+Space)
  • Title shortcuts v1.2.2.231 -> v1.2.2.0 (Hotkeys in main menu; can automatically start maker)
  • Item Layer Edit v1.0.1.231 -> v1.0.1.0 (Switch objects between chara and map layers)
  • LockOnPlugin v2.6.2.231 -> v2.6.2.0 (Hotkey to make camera keep focus on character)
  • StudioCharaSort v1.0.1.1 -> v1.0.3.0 (Change default list sort order in Studio)
  • AdvIKPlugin v1.5.2 -> v1.5.5 (Adds shoulder controls to IK in Studio)
  • Light Manager v1.0.1.231 -> v1.0.1.0 (Studio spotlights can track characters)
  • MovUrAcc v1.3 -> v1.7.0.0 (Allows batch movement of accessories)
  • SliderHighlight v2.0.2 -> v2.1 (Plugin that highlights the area affected by sliders in character maker)
  • HSceneOptions v3.2 -> v3.2.1 (Additional options and keyboard shortcuts for H in Koikatsu)
  • CumOnOver v1.5.2 -> v2.1.0.0 (Extends milk splashes onto gloves and accessories(Might cause issues))

Mods removed

  • None!


최신 우편물
