청주 시가 파는곳 - cheongju siga paneungos

청주전자담배 24시카페 전경. 사진=시가맨 제공

국내 전자담배의 판매량이 크게 늘어나면서 흡연율 억제에 비상이 걸린 보건당국이 긴장하기 시작했다. 정부는 2014년 담뱃값 인상과 흡연 경고그림 게재로 흡연율이 떨어질 것으로 기대했다. 하지만 가시적인 효과가 나타나지 않고 있기 때문이다.

실제로 전자담배를 포함한 전체 담배 판매량이 2014년 43억6000만 갑에서 2016년 36억6000만 갑, 지난해에는 35억2000만 갑으로 줄어들기는 했다. 반면 전자담배의 판매량은 초고속으로 증가하고 있다. 결국 흡연율이 다시 상승할 것이라는 우려마저 나오고 있는 실정이다. 현재 국내 성인의 흡연율은 23∼24%를 기록하고 있다.

이런 가운데 일부 불량 전자담배에 대한 우려의 목소리도 높아지고 있다. 전자담배 유통업체 ‘시가맨’ 관계자는 “전자담배 종류는 수없이 많은데 해외에서 불법 유통되는 저가 저품질의 전자담배나 액상 등을 잘못 구입하는 소비자와 이를 유통하는 매장이 늘면서 피해를 보는 경구가 빈번하게 발생하고 있다”라고 설명했다.

이런 가운데 시가맨에서는 안정성 있는 제품을 선별해 소비자 판매 및 사업자에게 유통하고 있다고 전했다.

시가맨 직영매장으로 알려진 ‘청주전자담배24시카페’는 전자담배의 배터리 안전성검사인 ‘KC인증’을 거친 전자담배만 선별해 취급하고 있다고 강조했다. 또 전자담배 소비자들의 안정성과 품질 향상을 위해 한국식품과학연구원에서 자가품질검사 및 기체 테스트, FDA성분 안정성 검사를 마친 원료 베이스와 국내외에서 검증된 식품 향료를 사용한 액상만을 판매한다는 것이다.

특히 최근에는 전자담배를 찾는 소비자들을 위해 전국 최초로 365일 24시간 운영을 시작해 언제든지 AS 및 구입이 가능하도록 고객 편의성을 높였다고 밝혔다

시가맨 관계자는 “전자담배로 금연성공율이 높아졌다는 통계가 발표되지는 않았지만 전자담배를 통해 금연을 시도하려는 소비자들은 앞으로 늘어날 것으로 예상된다“라고 말했다.

온라인뉴스팀 ()

���ֺ��� Travel ��Ʈ

����� �޹̴� ��Ʈ

���ֺ��� Gift ��Ʈ A

���ֺ��� Gift ��Ʈ B

���ֺ��� Gift ��Ʈ C

Elie Bleu ��ǰ ��Ʈ

�������� ��ǰ��Ʈ

�ι̿� �� �Ǹ���Ÿ Linea de Oro

Premium Series, 3��

����ũ������ Double Edmundo Ʈ������Ʈ

10��ƽ ����, �޹̴� ����

�ٴϿ����� 24k Gold Torpedo

�ټ� ��ƽ ���Ž� Daniel Marshall ����� �޹̴� ����

���� �����ٴ� No.9 Coronet

Good Short Smoke!

�ֽõ� Krush ��ð�

��ð� 5�� (����,����,���,����,�׸�)

Tabak Especial Medio Ŀ����ð�

10 ����, Ŀ����ð�

Tabak Especial Oscuro Ŀ����ð�

10 ����, Ŀ����ð�(���Ѹ�)

��� ��������Ʈ Ambrosia ��ð�

Flavored Cigar, ��ð�

��� ��������Ʈ Swamp Thang Sweet ��ð�

Flavored Cigar, ��ð�

��� ��������Ʈ Isla del sol ��ð�

Flavored Cigar, ��ð�

�ٺ��� ����Ÿ�� Demi-Tasse (10 ����)

�ٺ��� ����Ÿ�� 10��ƽ

�ٺ��� Exquisitos

�ٺ��� Ambassadorice

�ٺ��� ���ٻ�����̽� 10��ƽ�� 1��

�ٺ��� Primeros Escurio (6��ƽ)

NEW!! Escurio Series

�ٺ��� Primeros Dominican (6��ƽ)


�ٺ��� Primeros Maduro (6��ƽ)

Dominican Maduro

�ٺ��� Primeros Nicaragua (6��ƽ)

Nicaragua, Nicaragua Maduro

�ٺ��� ������ óĥ Petit Panatela

5 ��ƽ

�ٺ��� ������ óĥ Belicoso

4 ��ƽ

ī���� Machitos 6's Tin

6��ƽ ö�����̽� ����

���� XS Cigarillo (10����)

������ Short (10����)

���ѿ� 10���� ����ֽ��ϴ�.

������ Club (20����)

���ѿ� 20���� ����ֽ��ϴ�.

������ White Club (20����)

���ѿ� 20���� ����ֽ��ϴ�.

������ Mini (20 ����)

�ٺ��� Mini Nicaragua (20����)

�ٺ��� Club (10����)

�ٺ��� Gold Mini (10����)

10���� 1��

����ũ������ Club (20����)

����ũ������ Mini (20����)

�ι̿� �� �Ǹ���Ÿ Club (20����)

�ι̿� �� �Ǹ���Ÿ Mini (20����)

�ĸ�Ÿ���� Serie Club (20����)

���ѿ� 20���� ����ֽ��ϴ�.

�� �׸��ɽ� Mini (20����)

by Davidoff

Small Cigars �����

Ʃ�� �����

�˸��̴� Ʃ�꿡 �ѽ�ƽ�� ��� �ֽ��ϴ�.

�ð� ��Ÿ�� ŰƮ

MD's ��õ ����� One

MD's Special One

MD's ��õ ����� Two

MD's Special Two

���ֺ��� Top 10 selling cigars �����

���� ���� �ǸŵǴ� �ð��� ������ ��Ʈ�Դϴ�.

BIG Cigars �����

Luxury Cigars �����

�ٺ��� Gift Selections

���������� ��õ�帳�ϴ�.

�ٺ��� Year of Tiger ������

Year of Tiger ������

�ٺ��� ORO Blanco Ultra Limited Edition

���迡�� ���� ������ �ð�

������ óĥ 2022 ������ Perfecto

2022 ������ by Davidoff

������óĥ Late Hour �ð�

Robusto, Toro, Churchill

�ٺ��� Chef Edition 2021 ������

Chef Edition 2021

�ٺ��� KOREA EDITION ������

�ٺ��� ���� KOREA ���� ������

�ٺ��� Release Royal Robusto

������ 500�ڽ� ������ �ø���

�ٺ��� Release Royal Solomones

������ 500�ڽ� ������ �ø���

�ٺ��� Culebras ������


���� Nicaragua Robusto

�ٺ��� ���� ��ī���

���� Nicaragua Short Torpedo

Short Smoke!

New ������ �κν��� [������]

New ������ �Ƕ�̵��� [������]

������ �Ѷ� �κν��� [������]

��Ÿ���� IDOLS

By Nelson Alfonso


By Nelson Alfonso

��Ÿ���� BRUJOS

By Nelson Alfonso

��Ÿ���� SABIOS

By Nelson Alfonso


By Nelson Alfonso


By Nelson Alfonso


By Nelson Alfonso


By Nelson Alfonso

�� ���� ���̾� Serie Aniversario Assortment

5��ƽ Assortment �����ڽ�

�� ���� ���̾� Don Carlos Assortment

5��ƽ Assortment �����ڽ�

�� ���� ���̾� Serie B Assortment

5��ƽ Assortment �����ڽ�

�� ���� ���̾� Serie Aniversario 54

Serie Aniversario by Prometheus

�� ���� ���̾� Serie Aniversario 56

Serie Aniversario by Prometheus

�� ���� ���̾� Serie Aniversario 60

Serie Aniversario by Prometheus

�� ���� ���̾� Serie B Robusto Tubo

Serie B

�� ���� ���̾� Serie B Double Robusto Tubo

Serie B

�� ���� ���̾� Serie B Diademas

Serie B Diademas

�� ���� ���̾� Don Carlos Robusto

God of Fire by Don Carlos

�� ���� ���̾� Don Carlos Toro

God of Fire by Don Carlos

�� ���� ���̾� Carlito Double Robusto Tubo

God of Fire by Carlito

�� ���� ���̾� Carlito Piramide

God of Fire by Carlito

�������뽺 Robusto

2017 ������ by Prometheus

�������뽺 Double Robusto

2017 ������ by Prometheus

���Ƿ� Platinum Robusto

������ by Prometheus

���Ƿ� Platinum Piramide

������ by Prometheus

��� Platinum 484 DR

Ultra Premium Brand

��� Platinum 484 Nicaragua

Ultra Premium Brand

��� Platinum "Batch" Sweet Robusto

Ultra Premium Brand

��� Platinum "Batch" Nicaragua Robusto

Ultra Premium Brand

��� Platinum "Batch" Toro

Ultra Premium Brand

��� Platinum "Batch" Torpedo

Ultra Premium Brand

��� Platinum "Classic" Robusto

Ultra Premium Brand

��� Platinum "Club Edition" Toro

Ultra Premium Brand

��� Platinum "Sultan" Torpedo

Ultra Premium Brand

��� Platinum "Mirage" Cigar

Ultra Premium Brand

��� Platinum "Congress" Cigar

Ultra Premium Brand

��� Platinum "Leo 11"

Ultra Premium Brand

��� Platinum "Leo 12" New!

Ultra Premium Brand

��� Champion Football Cigar

Ultra Premium Boutique Brand

��� Platinum "Corona" Limited Edition

Ultra Premium Brand, ������ 500�ڽ� ������

��� Platinum "Perfecto" Limited Edition

Ultra Premium Brand, ������ 500�ڽ� ������

��� Platinum "Toro" Limited Edition

Ultra Premium Brand, ������ 500�ڽ� ������

��� Platinum "Legacy" Limited Edition

Ultra Premium Brand, ������ 500�ڽ� ������

��� Platinum "Torpedo" Limited Edition

Ultra Premium Brand, ������ 500�ڽ� ������

��� Platinum "Park Avenue" Limited Edition

Ultra Premium Brand, ������ 500�ڽ� ������

��� Platinum Sampler Gift Box ������

Ultra Premium Brand, ������ 500�ڽ� ������

���̾Ƹ�� ũ��� Classic No.5

Premium Cigar

���̾Ƹ�� ũ��� Classic No.4

Premium Cigar

���̾Ƹ�� ũ��� Classic No.3

Premium Cigar

���̾Ƹ�� ũ��� Maduro No.5

Premium Cigar

���̾Ƹ�� ũ��� Maduro No.4

Premium Cigar

���̾Ƹ�� ũ��� Maduro No.3

Premium Cigar

���̾Ƹ�� ũ��� Julius Caeser Robusto

Premium Cigar

���̾Ƹ�� ũ��� Julius Caeser Toro

Premium Cigar

���̾Ƹ�� ũ��� Maximus Robusto

Premium Cigar

���̾Ƹ�� ũ��� Maximus Toro

Premium Cigar

���̾Ƹ�� ũ��� Maximus Double Corona

Premium Cigar

���̾Ƹ�� ũ��� Black Diamond Radiant

Premium Cigar

���̾Ƹ�� ũ��� Black Diamond Marquis

Premium Cigar

���̾Ƹ�� ũ��� Black Diamond Emerald

Premium Cigar

ī������ Prospektor Toro

ī������ Inner Circle Petit Robusto

Premium, Small batch Cigars

ī������ Inner Circle Robusto

Premium, Small batch Cigars

ī������ Inner Circle Torpedo

Premium, Small batch Cigars

ī������ White Series Elegantes

Premium, Small batch Cigars

ī������ White Series Diplomat

Premium, Small batch Cigars

ī������ White Series Toro

Premium, Small batch Cigars

ī������ White Series Solomones


ī������ Black II Series Robusto

���η�, Small Batch

ī������ Black II Series Toro

���η�, Small batch

ī������ Black II Series Torpedo

���η�, Small batch

ī������ Black II Series Solomones


ī������ Viso Jalapa Robusto

Viso Jalapa ����, Small Batch

ī������ Viso Jalapa Robusto Gorda

Viso Jalapa ����, Small Batch

ī������ Viso Jalapa Toro

Viso Jalapa ����, Small Batch

ī������ Viso Jalapa Torpedo

Viso Jalapa ����, Small Batch

ī������ Limited Edition 2021

2021�� ������

ī������ Limited Edition 2022

2021�� ������

�� ��ư Belicoso

EL BATON by J.C Newman

�並�� �� �� Shade Robusto

Perla Del Mar Shade Robusto by J.C Newman

�並�� �� �� Corojo Robusto

Perla Del Mar Corojo Robusto by J.C Newman

�並�� �� �� Maduro Robusto

Perla Del Mar Maduro Robusto by J.C Newman

�並�� �� �� Maduro Toro

Perla Del Mar Maduro Toro by J.C Newman

�긯 �Ͽ콺 Robusto Natural

Brick House Natural by J.C Newman

�긯 �Ͽ콺 Toro Natural

Brick House Natural by J.C Newman

�긯 �Ͽ콺 Robusto Maduro

Brick House Maduro by J.C Newman

�긯 �Ͽ콺 Toro Maduro

Brick House Natural by J.C Newman

�긯 �Ͽ콺 The Traveler Tubo

Brick House Tubo by J.C Newman

���������ٴ� Year of The OX

Ȳ���� ��, ������ �ð�, Unico Serie

���� �����ٴ� No.9 Flying Pig

���� �����ٴ� No.9 Robusto

���� �����ٴ� No.9 Belicoso

���� �����ٴ� No.9 Toro Tubo

���� �����ٴ� No.9 Double Corona

���� �����ٴ� No.9 5ct Tasting Sampler

���������ε� ��õ �帳�ϴ�.

���� �����ٴ� T52 Flying Pig

finest sun-grown Habano-seed wrapper

���� �����ٴ� T52 Robusto

finest sun-grown Habano-seed wrapper

���� �����ٴ� T52 Toro

finest sun-grown Habano-seed wrapper

���� �����ٴ� T52 Belicoso

finest sun-grown Habano-seed wrapper

���� �����ٴ� T52 Double Corona

finest sun-grown Habano-seed wrapper

���� �����ٴ� T52 5ct Tasting Sampler

���������� ��õ �帳�ϴ�.

���� �����ٴ� Unico Serie Dirty Rat

finest sun-grown Habano-seed wrapper

���� �����ٴ� Unico Serie BAUHAUS


���� �����ٴ� Unico Serie Ratzilla

finest sun-grown Habano-seed wrapper

���� �����ٴ� Unico Serie UF-13

finest sun-grown Habano-seed wrapper

���ũ��� "10" �κν���

���� ���ũ��� CT Shade SUPREMA

by Drew Estates

���� ���ũ��� CT Shade Robusto

by Drew Estates

���� ���ũ��� CT Shade Tubo

by Drew Estates

���� ���ũ��� CT Shade Gordito

by Drew Estates

���� ���ũ��� Maduro Corona

���� ���ũ��� Maduro Robusto

���� ���ũ��� Maduro Belicoso

���� ���ũ��� Maduro Tubo

���� ���ũ��� Sun Grown Robusto

���� ���ũ��� Sun Grown Flying Pig

���� ���ũ��� Sun Grown Double Corona

�췹�� �����ڸ� Brazilian Maduro Robusto Grande

�췹�� �����ڸ� Norteno Robusto Grande

�췹�� �����ڸ� Norteno Limited Edition Churchill


�췹�� �����ڸ� Habano Tubo

���ź Dirt Torpedo

���ź Egg

���ź Egg Maduro

�ֽõ� blondie

��ð�(Flavored Cigar)

�ֽõ� Kuba Kuba

��ð�(Flavored Cigar)

�ֽõ� Kuba Kuba Maduro

��ð�(Flavored Cigar)

�ֽõ� 20 Robusto Tubo

��ð�(Flavored Cigar)

�ֽõ� Cold Infusion

��ð�(Flavored Cigar)

�ֽõ� Toast

��ð�(Flavored Cigar)

Tabak Especial Medio Toro Tubo Ŀ�� ��ð�

Coffee Flavored Cigar, Ŀ����ð�

Tabak Especial Oscuro Toro Tubo Ŀ�� ��ð�

Coffee Flavored Cigar, Ŀ����ð�(���Ѹ�)

�ڹ� Latte Corona (Ŀ����ð�)

Ŀ��+���� Flavor �ð� by Drew Estate

�ڹ� Latte Robusto (Ŀ����ð�)

Ŀ��+���� Flavor �ð� by Drew Estate

��� �ͷ�Ʈ 1880 Double Robusto Mix ��Ʈ

4��ƽ ��Ʈ

��� �ͷ�Ʈ 1880 Black ������

Small Batch Cigar

��� �ͷ�Ʈ 1880 Claro

Small Batch Cigar

��� �ͷ�Ʈ 1880 Colorado

Small Batch Cigar

��� �ͷ�Ʈ 1880 Maduro

Small Batch Cigar

��� �ͷ�Ʈ 1880 Oscuro

Small Batch Cigar

��Ű ���� Special Edition Robusto

�����̾� �ø���

��Ű ���� Fifty Five Robusto

�����̾� �ø���

��Ű ���� Number '6' Robusto

�����̾� �ø���

��Ű ���� Number '6' Toro

�����̾� �ø���

��Ű ���� Disciple Robusto

�����̾� �ø���

��Ű ���� Disciple Bala

�����̾� �ø���

��Ű ���� Sixty Robusto

�����̾� �ø���

��Ű ���� Sixty Toro

�����̾� �ø���

��Ű ���� White Label Robusto

Ultra �����̾� �ø���

��Ű ���� White Label Toro

Ultra �����̾� �ø���

�ٴϿ����� Red Label Robusto

�ٴϿ����� Red Label Torpedo

������ Petit Coronas

������ Tubo No.2

������ Royal Coronas Tubo

������ Belicosos Finos

�� ũ������� El Principe

�� ũ������� La Punta

������ BEHIKE 52

10 ��ƽ ���Ž� ���޽��� ���� �ڽ��� �Բ� �Ǹ� �˴ϴ�.

������ BEHIKE 54

10 ��ƽ ���Ž� ���޽��� ���� �ڽ��� �Բ� �Ǹ� �˴ϴ�.

������ BEHIKE 56

10 ��ƽ ���Ž� ���޽��� ���� �ڽ��� �Բ� �Ǹ� �˴ϴ�.

������ Piramides Extra

������ Piramides Extra tubo

������ Talisman 2017 ������

2017�� �������Դϴ�.

������ Exquisitos

��ƽ���� ���޽��� ���� ���ڷ� ����Ǿ� ������, 5��ƽ ���Ž� �ڽ��� ����Ǿ� �ֽ��ϴ�.(���������� ��õ)

������ Panatela

��ƽ���� ���޽��� ���� ���ڷ� ����Ǿ� ������, 5��ƽ ���Ž� �ڽ��� ����Ǿ� �ֽ��ϴ�.(���������� ��õ)

������ Coronas Especiales

�� ��ƽ���� ���޽��� ���̻����� ����Ǿ������� 5 ��ƽ ���Ž� ���̹ڽ��� �Բ� �Ǹ� �˴ϴ�.

������ Media Siglo

������ Robusto

== 2011�� �ְ��� Robust������ ���� ==

������ Espléndido

������ Siglo I

������ Siglo I Tubo

������ Siglo II

������ Siglo II Tubo

������ Siglo III

������ Siglo III Tubo

��ƽ���� ���޽��� �������� �˸��̴� Ʃ��� ����Ǿ� ������, 3��ƽ ���Ž� �ڽ��� ����Ǿ� �ֽ��ϴ�.(���������� ��õ)

������ Siglo IV

������ Siglo V tubo


������ Siglo VI

������ Siglo VI Tubo

��ƽ���� ���޽��� �������� �˸��̴� Ʃ��� ����Ǿ� ������, 3��ƽ ���Ž� �ڽ��� ����Ǿ� �ֽ��ϴ�.(���������� ��õ)

������ Secretos Maduro 5

10 ��ƽ ���Ž� ������ ���� ���� �ڽ��� ���� �� �Ǹ� �˴ϴ�. (���������� ��õ)

������ Magicos Maduro 5

10 ��ƽ ���Ž� ���޽��� ���� �ڽ��� ���� �� �Ǹ� �˴ϴ�. (���������� ��õ)

������ Genios Maduro 5

10 ��ƽ ���Ž� ���޽��� ���� �ڽ��� ���� �� �Ǹ� �˴ϴ�. (���������� ��õ)

�� ���弼 No.50

�� ���弼 No.54

���ƹ� Exclusivos

���ƹ� Distinguidos

���ƹ� Salomones

��� �˷γ׽� Special Selected

��� �˷γ׽� Allones Superiores

La Casa Del Habano �����

����ī Delicias

����ī No.1

�ľ� ���佺 Seleccion 1

���� ���� Picadores

������ Sir Winston

������ Corona Major Tubo

������ Connoisseur No.1

������ Magnum 46

������ Magnum 50

������ Magnum 54

������ No.2

������ Royal Robusto

ȣ�� �� ���ͷ��� Petit Robusto

ȣ�� �� ���ͷ��� Coronation Tubos

ȣ�� �� ���ͷ��� Epicure 1

ȣ�� �� ���ͷ��� Epicure 2

ȣ�� �� ���ͷ��� Epicure Especial

ȣ�� �� ���ͷ��� Epicure De Luxe

�ο�Ÿ �ƹ�ȣ ���� Ư��ǰ

ȣ�� �� ���ͷ��� Double Corona

ȣ�� �� ���ͷ��� Le hoyo de San Juan Tubo

�ι̿� �� �Ǹ���Ÿ Tacos 2018 EL

2018 ������

�ι̿� �� �Ǹ���Ÿ Petit Corona

�ι̿� �� �Ǹ���Ÿ No.1 Tubos

�ι̿� �� �Ǹ���Ÿ No.2 Tubos

�ι̿� �� �Ǹ���Ÿ No.3 Tubos

�ι̿� �� �Ǹ���Ÿ Cedro de luxe No. 3

�ι̿� �� �Ǹ���Ÿ Exhibición No. 4

�ι̿� �� �Ǹ���Ÿ Short Churchill

�ι̿� �� �Ǹ���Ÿ Short Churchill Tubos

�� ��ƽ ���� ���޽����� �˷��̴����� ����Ǿ������� 3 ��ƽ ���Ž� ���������� ���� ���������� �Ǹ� �˴ϴ�.

�ι̿� �� �Ǹ���Ÿ Wide Churchill

�ι̿� �� �Ǹ���Ÿ Churchill

�ι̿� �� �Ǹ���Ÿ Churchill Tubo

�ι̿� �� �Ǹ���Ÿ Anejados Piramide

5~8�Ⱓ ������ Aged habanos Series

�ι̿� �� �Ǹ���Ÿ Anejados Churchill Tubo

�ι̿� �� �Ǹ���Ÿ Petit Churchill

�� ���� �� ���� Choix Supreme

���÷θ�Ƽ�ڽ� No.2

����� ���Ⱑ �ſ� �ŷ����� �ð��Դϴ�.

��ġ Coronation Tubos

��ġ Punch

���� ���� Non Plus

���� ���� Belicosos

�ĸ�Ÿ���� Maduro No.1

�ĸ�Ÿ���� Corona Senior Tubo

�ĸ�Ÿ���� Serie D No.6

�ĸ�Ÿ���� Serie D No.5

���� �Ǹ���Ű�� �ʴ� �ְ��� �ð����ϳ��Դϴ�.

�ĸ�Ÿ���� Serie D No.4

���� �Ǹ���Ű�� �ʴ� �ְ��� �ð����ϳ��Դϴ�.

�ĸ�Ÿ���� Serie D No.4 Tubo

�� ��ƽ���� �������� �˸��̴� Ʃ��� ����Ǿ������� 3��ƽ ���Ž� ���������� ���� ���������� �Ǹŵ˴ϴ�.

�ĸ�Ÿ���� Serie P No.2

10��ƽ ���Ž� ���޽����� �������ڷ� ����˴ϴ�.

�ĸ�Ÿ���� Serie P No.2 Tubo

�� ��ƽ ���� ���޽����� ���� �˸��̴� Ʃ�꿡 ����Ǿ��̸� 3��ƽ ���Ž� ���������� ���� ���������� �Ǹŵ˴ϴ�.

�ĸ�Ÿ���� Serie E No.2

�ĸ�Ÿ���� Lusitanias

����ũ������ Media Corona

����ũ������ Joytas

����ũ������ Petit Tubos

����ũ������ Tubos

����ũ������ Petit Edmundo

10 ��ƽ ���Ž� ���� ���ڿ� ����Ǿ� �Ǹ� �˴ϴ�. (���������� ��õ)

����ũ������ Edmundo

����ũ������ Edmundo Tubo

����ũ������ Double Edmundo

����ũ������ Especial No.2

����ũ������ No.2

����ũ�����並 ��ǥ�ϴ� �ð��Դϴ�.

����ũ������ No.3

���������� ���� ������ �����մ� ����� �ð��Դϴ�. ���ΰ� �ſ� �� ��︳�ϴ�.

����ũ������ No.4

No.2���Բ� ����ũ�����並 ��ǥ�ϴ� �ð��� �ϳ��Դϴ�.

����ũ������ No.5

����ũ������ Open Regata

����ũ������ Open Master

����ũ������ Open Eagle

����ũ������ Open Eagle Tubo

����ũ������ Anejados Churchill

5~8�Ⱓ ������ Aged habanos Series

����ũ������ Supremos EL 2019

Edicion Limitada 2019

�������ν� Mañanitas

�������ν� Entretiempos

�������ν� Centrofinos

Ʈ���ϴٵ� Reyes

Ʈ���ϴٵ� Coloniales

Ʈ���ϴٵ� Media Luna

2020�� ����ǰ

Ʈ���ϴٵ� Vigia

Ʈ���ϴٵ� Topes

Ʈ���ϴٵ� 2020�� ����ǰ

Ʈ���ϴٵ� Fundadores

���ٻ� ��ǰ �ð� �귣���Դϴ�. 80�� ���� �ְ��� �Ʒθ� ��� ��̸� ���Ǽ��ִ� �ð��Դϴ�.

������ �ι��̳� Famosos

������ �ι��̳� Unicos

dz���� ����� dz���� ��� ������ Ǯ�ٵ� �ð��Դϴ�.

���Ŀ� ��췹�� Perlas

���Ŀ� ��췹�� 88 ����������

�ٺ��� ������ óĥ Robusto

�ٺ��� ������ óĥ Churchill

�ٺ��� Yamasa Cigars

�ٺ��� Escurio Petit Robusto

�ٺ��� Escurio Robusto tubo

�ٺ��� Escurio Toro

�ٺ��� Nicaragua Short Corona

�ٺ��� Nicaragua Robusto Tubo

�ٺ��� Nicaragua Toro

�ٺ��� Nicaragua Diadema

�ٺ��� Signature 1000

�ٺ��� Signature 2000 Tubo

�ٺ��� Signature No.2 Tubo

�ٺ��� Grand Cru No.3

�ٺ��� Aniversario Entreacto

��ť�� �ð��߿� ���� ������ �ð��� �ϳ��Դϴ�.

�ٺ��� Aniversario Perfecto

�ٺ��� Aniversario Special R Tubo

�ٺ��� Aniversario No.3 tubo

�ٺ��� Millenium Blend Robusto Tubo

�ٺ��� Special 'T'

4 ��ƽ ���Ž� ���������� ���� ��Ʈ�� �Ǹŵ˴ϴ�.

����ī Grand Reserve Torpedo Maduro

����13�� �������� 3�� Infuse �� Flavor �ð�

ī���� Corojo Tubos New

10 ��ƽ ���Ž� ������ ���� ���� �ڽ��� ���� �� �Ǹ� �˴ϴ�. (���������� ��õ)

ī���� American Barrel Aged Robusto

Aged 5 month in Bourbon Barrel

ī���� Nicaragua Rum Barrel Aged Robusto Tubo

Aged 5 month in Bourbon Barrel

Boveda 50ct �޹̴� ��Ÿ�� Ŷ

�޹̴� ������� ���� Ȯ����!


Boveda 8g �޹̵���



Boveda 60g �޹̵���

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Boveda 320g �޹̵���

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Boveda Metal Ȧ��

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���� �� ����, Sulfur Free


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���� �� ����, Sulfur Free,Long size


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���� �߼�



최신 우편물
